Friday, January 31, 2014

The Power of Positive Thinking

Dad recently assigned me the book "The Power of Positive Thinking" to read and so I have been reading an awful lot today. Though I am only about 50 pages through it, I am enjoying it a lot. Norman Vincent Peale (the author) is very religious and believes that words of the Lord can help change the way people think and how they live their lives. He uses many prayers and Bible passages to help people change their lives and ways of thinking.

To pull people out of depression and discouragement, he recommends writing down a list of GOOD things about yourself to review when you feel down to remind yourself of the assets that you still have- even if life is seemingly pushing you down. A good relaxing and brain-clearing tip given in the book is to take 15 minutes out of every day and go to a quiet place and relax in silence- no reading, no looking, no playing, no doing anything. Just relaxing in silence.

I am definitely going to try a few of the tips I pick up in this book. I find them very good ones, and I hope they work as well as the book describes. I have already made a list of my "assets" so that if I feel down, I can look at it to cheer me up (though my family does a good job of that). If you have any calming tips or good books to recommend, let me know in the comments.


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Dog Dreams

On occasion, my dog will bark randomly in his sleep, or move his legs and growl, and I wonder what he is dreaming about. I always assume he is chasing something or growling at an enemy, but I have no way of being sure. I also wonder if when my dog dreams, he dreams in human language or dog language. The concept of Lucky not understanding what I am saying but understanding something I cannot is very strange to me, though very simple.

I can't imagine not thinking or dreaming in human. Its so natural to me that such a drastic change would be overwhelming, and that is why I have trouble grasping it. I always assume my dog dreams about animals, scents, food, and us- his family. But as dogs have different brains than us, what I think of as something could be entirely different to what my dog is actually dreaming.

There- now that I have bothered your brain with something interesting yet astonishing to think about, I am going to end this post here and go to bed. Just imagine not being able to understand human language- or being able to understand ONLY dog language.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Art Show

Tonight, instead of doing karate, I hung out with my friends Cheyenne and Alena. Cheyenne's family are all artists, and there was a local art auction going on... so the three of us went. It was held at a small civic center about 15 minutes away from where I live, and I was picked up from karate. Looking through the artwork took me and my friends about 10 minutes- and then we got bored. After we had raided the snack table for cookies, pretzels, and soda, we wandered around aimlessly for a few minutes.

We eventually discovered the basement... and once we did, that is where we spent most of our time. There was a small "museum" downstairs and it had a few old dolls in it- glassed in of course, but it crept me and my friends out nonetheless. We amused ourselves by telling ghost stories and jumping at every door closing until we made it back upstairs... there were a few other incidents, including my friend almost getting locked into the bathroom AND me hiding from my friends twice- and having to reveal myself when they didn't find me.

All in all, we had an awesome time...laughing, eating, and running around. I am certainly worn out- the sugar rush I had earlier wore me out and now all I want to do is SLEEP. I will end my post here.


Tuesday, January 28, 2014


My apologies for not blogging! I was quite busy yesterday and this weekend- I had a lot to do. I finished my second cake decorating course yesterday, so some of my weekend time was spent baking and lightly icing a cake. Then, I had to wash some of my icing tips that had leftover icing in them, and organize my bag. I also spent a whole day playing Skyrim and eating goldfish crackers, and in general being lazy.

On top of this, I took over 500 pictures of clothing for my Dad's online yardsale... I was busy most of last week with that. I also sorted through some jewelry and other miscellaneous things. And yesterday my excuse for not working was cake class- but I learned SO MUCH in that class! We learned the backwards shell and the basket weave, and also about flower placement. This was my final cake by the end of everything:

My 3rd course starts on February 3rd... I am excited. From what I hear we are going to learn how to make roses that look like you just picked them off of the bush. I am excited to learn about fondant, even though I personally find it extremely annoying.... Who knows, maybe I'll end up liking it! If you'd like to sign up for a cake decorating class near you, go onto the Michael's website and click on classes- then go to cake decorating.


Friday, January 24, 2014

Preview of Book Stacks Blog

For those of you who do not know, I run a blog aside from this one called the Book Stack. I post all of my reports and poetry on here... here is the link: ..
And here is a preview of the blog! This is an excerpt from my Robert Frost Poems, which I posted awhile back. For my newer readers, here is ONE of the poems. There are two other on the site if you care to check them out.

"Neither Out Far Nor In Deep
The people along the sand
All turn and look one way.
They turn their back on the land.
They look at the sea all day.

As long as it takes to pass
A ship keeps raising its hull;
The wetter ground like glass
Reflects a standing gull

The land may vary more;
But wherever the truth may be--
The water comes ashore,
And the people look at the sea.

They cannot look out far.
They cannot look in deep.
But when was that ever a bar
To any watch they keep?

I feel that this poem is kind of about sticking out. This may sound silly, but take this into consideration: Many people stare at models, and think, "oh, she/he is pretty, and I'd love to date him/her". They judge off of appearance- they don't know what is inside the person- if they are nice, loving. They judge by appearance. Meanwhile, there is a perfectly average person that is very nice and kind- but they don't get a second glance compared to the model. "The land may vary more, but wherever the truth may be: the water comes ashore, and the people look at the sea"."

Well, that is the preview. PLEASE check out the Book Stack...


Thursday, January 23, 2014

A Few Healthy Lunch Ideas

Lately, my Dad has been on a diet, and so I have been trying to eat healthier too. I have found a few healthy lunch options that are actually very tasty. Here are the recipes:

Ham and Mozzarella Salad

This is a very basic recipe that everyone probably know how to make, but I like it so I am going to put it up anyway. All you need is 4 slices of Honey Ham (cut up small), 2 tbsp of shredded mozzarella (more if you are a cheese lover, but I wouldn't recommend it),  and about 1 cup of iceberg lettuce. Put the lettuce in first, followed by the shredded cheese. Then, cut up the ham into small squares and throw it it on top of your salad. You can use dressing if you want, but it tastes good on its own.

Meat Rollups

These are VERY tasty and very simple to make. All you need is a meat and cheese of your choice, AND some B&M's hot pepper spread (optional). I would suggest using roast beef and swiss cheese with the pepper spread- it is very good. You just put one slice of cheese inside a slice of roast beef, spread the hot peppers inside, and then roll it up. 3-5 of these makes an excellent lunch paired with a small salad.

And for dessert...

I always find that Jell-O or fruit like grapes or strawberries are an excellent dessert. It is filling, but not unhealthy and not SO filling that you feel like keeling over. If you have a healthy recipe that you'd like to share, leave it in the comments and I will try to give it a try.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My Sister

I am sorry for not posting yesterday- I was busy helping out my Dad. We recently started an online yardsale in our hometown called Rindge Tag Sale Treasures. For my local readers, please click here to join. Dad is the moderator of the site, and you will have to ask to join in order to see the posts. But anyways- today I am blogging about my sister.

I have been playing with my sister for most of the day today, and the most recent thing that has come up has been the barbie wedding... She got a new Ken and Barbie doll for her birthday, and has since been setting up weddings for them. Today, she had me help her set one up between Cinderella and Ken. It was SO cute watching her try to hold the ceremony (as she doesn't know what to say at all). I wish I had had my camera with me... but I didn't, and all I managed to get was this picture:

My sister also recently turned 4, for those of you who didn't know. We had some good friends over to celebrate the day with us- and I made a cake! It was my first double layer cake, and it came out VERY
well. My sister had requested a strawberry cake with vanilla frosting, but what she didn't know is that I had picked up special candles for her birthday that she had shown me prior to her birthday. Being they were Tinker Bell candles, I dyed the icing pale purple and frosted it with that. The end result was very nice.

If you have younger (or older) siblings, leave me a comment telling about something funny that happened when they were little.


Monday, January 20, 2014

The 2 Styles of Dress I've Observed

After traveling MANY times to NJ and back to NH, I have noticed a difference in the style of people in each state. Most times, here in NH, people do not dress to impress- it is rare you see someone dressed up "nice". I am not saying that they don't look nice, it is just that they don't dress up. Often, people walk around in jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers. I can understand why, however- the only thing to do around here is go to Walmarts and the library. When you go to Keene, people may dress A LITTLE nicer, as it is more of a built up area.

In NJ, many people dress nicer- because there are far more places to go and people to be seen. There are more malls, more business buildings, more train stations, more fancy restaurants, and it is closer to NY. Also- on average, people in NJ make more money than people in NH- mostly due to it being a more built up area with more businesses, and it's closeness to NY.

I personally dress sloppy- I am not one for designer brands. If I don't like the style of something, I will NOT attempt to wear it. I wear jeans and a tee half of the time, and the only time I will ever dress up is if we are going to church or out to dinner at a fancier restaurant. Please note that "fancy restaurant" to me means Longhorn Steakhouse. Well, this draws to a close my fashion blog... what style are you?


Friday, January 17, 2014


Fairies- A 5 Page Report By Madison Nef
I am going to cut to the chase and just jump right into things. I am going to write a story, similar to what I did with the leprechaun.
I fluttered into my office early in the morning to start my work. I was writing a history of my ancestors- fairies. I am a fairy, descended from the line of the smallest fairies- we stand only an inch high. But of course there are larger ones- ones even as big as children. But I cannot stop to think about that now. I fly over to my chair and sit at my desk, pen in hand, looking at my blank paper as I begin to write:
From The Eyes Of A Fairy
By Kerry Leafwinter
Fairies have been recorded ever since ancient times- but not all accounts have been good. Many reports tell of us as demons, as evil things that needed to be gotten rid of. In common folklore we are often described as tiny humans with all sorts of magic powers, ones that must be stopped. In fact, most folklore revolving around us tells of how get rid of us with cold iron- a myth that is hardly true.
Though I am one of the small varieties, there actually WERE larger fairies decades ago. They truly WERE evil, and were killed off by herbs people would leave around their houses. When they died, smaller fairies slowly emerged. These fairies preferred to play pranks and tricks on people than to be downright nasty, though there were a few that bit people on certain occasions. Human books and writings assume that we take our tiny forms magically, but this is untrue as well. Fairies are one size and one size only.
Our magic does help plants grow, and helps protect us from the danger of large animals. Other than that, we just play and joke. More recent writings of us depict us better- winged, kind, and carefree creatures that play and frolic about. Celtic tales tell of us being a hidden race, driven into hiding by invading humans. We then came to be known as spirits among the Celtics, spirits that lived in the Otherworld down in the dirt. The part the Celtics got wrong is that they thought we were immortal- we are only near immortal. The only things that can kill us are certain herbs, wild animals, and spells.
A less common Celtic story was that we actually started out as humans- children of a woman who wanted to hide her children from God. When she went to look for them, she couldn’t find them as they were fairies. However, this is more a tale than anything else. In fact, we fairies WERE driven out by humans- but only in certain places.

As for out appearance: We commonly have bright green eyes, and range from 2 feet tall to inch tall. Our wings range different sizes, and some of us don’t have wings- we just travel using magic or friendly birds. We typically have pointy ears and long hair (with the exception of males). We make our homes in burrows in the ground, mushrooms, and sometimes trees. Like I said before- it all depends on size.
I closed my book. It was getting pretty thick, and I was tired out. I flew out into my living room and collapsed onto my couch. I settled down to read a book about fairies for some info. I flipped past the Celtic page and went into the Christian section of the book. Their folklore was quite different, claiming we are banished angels. The book read that those extremely evil went to hell, and the angels caught in between became fairies.
Next, I read the Cottingley Hoax, my favorite fairy story: In July of 1917 in Cottingley, England two young girls set out with a new 'Midg' Camera and took the most famous pictures of fairies known. Frances Griffiths and her cousin Elise Wright caught on film what seemed to be dancing, leaping fairies and even a gnome. No one took notice of the pictures until two years later. Suddenly, people saw who had seen the photos were ecstatic. Many people tried to debunk the pictures, but soon they were deemed the real thing.
Even Sir Arthur Conan Doyle believed in the girls and their pictures. He even set the girls out to take more pictures that he used in articles based on the girl’s story. The girls continued to claim they had in fact seen and photographed fairies. Meanwhile people were out there trying to prove their validity or that the pictures were faked. Finally, on March 18, 1983 at the age of 76, Francis admitted that the pictures were a hoax. Soon after, Elise, at 83, confirmed the hoax. The fairies were actually cutouts that Elise had drawn. Hatpins were used to hold the cutouts in place. The girls claimed there were indeed fairies but they had to resort to the deception to prove they were telling the truth. 
I laughed. I loved how the girls had tried to make everyone believe in fairies. It was nice to see such honest believers. I was getting tired. I knew there were plenty of fairytales to read, but it was just so late! There was Thumbelina- a small fairy girl born from a flower who was no bigger than I am, only without wings. There is the story of Sleeping Beauty, and of the evil Malificent and of the 3 kind fairies that cared for Aurora. There is Peter Pan, with Tinker Bell and Neverland… I could go on forever.
I wandered into my small kitchen to have some dinner before bed. I found a leftover acorn casserole I had made 2 days ago, and ate some of that. It had lost its crisp flavor, and was disgusting, but I choked it down anyway. Then, I flew into my bedroom and went to sleep for the night.

Well, there was my story on fairies. I have no idea what to talk about now. The folklores I mentioned above ARE actually true, and I was just using my character to add a little length to the page. Cold iron is actually one of the ways to get rid of a “fairy”, I was just creating my own rules a bit. Fairies WERE said to be giants, and often in the old tales are described not as tiny but as tall. It was only in the Victorian era where fairies started being portrayed as small in paintings.
The Cottingley Fairies actually IS a true story. While both girls are long dead, it is still very famous today, as the hoax was very well coordinated. And yes- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle actually DID review the photos and asked the girls to take more. The spot where the photos were taken is actually now a public garden. The girls said that despite the hoax, they actually DID see the fairies, and so the garden has become quite a popular spot for families.
The photos were examined, and there has only been controversy on the 5th and last photo. There is a figure in the photo that neither of the girls made, as it actually has dimension to it. Both girls claim to have taken the photo, and while Elise claims it is a fake like the rest, Frances says that the fairy is actually there. I personally think that it is a fake.
I must say, I didn’t know the Celtic and Christian stories for fairies before today either. They were quite interesting. There are also a few old songs and poems about fairies, a few of the more famous ones being “Sir Orfeo” and “Lady Isabelle and the Elf-Knight”. Sir Orfeo tells of a king whose wife is kidnapped by fairies, and how he has to go on a quest to get her back, while Lady Isabelle and the Elf-Knight tells of a woman whose child is taken by the fairies and must find it again.
I find it funny that as time went on, fairies were slowly turned from cruel, impish creatures into funny, giggly role models for five year olds. It probably all started with Peter Pan and Tinker Bell, and once producers and authors saw that it was a hit, they built off of it, and slowly turned the creatures into another manufacturing endeavor. The older stories, such as Water Babies, or the traditional Peter Pan, were classic fairy stories that were worth the read. Now, everything is fluff and brainwashing.
On the subject of brainwashing- this may be over-stretching things for my readers, but have you ever noticed that today’s modern culture is taking Pagan creatures and making Christians comfortable with them? Just take a second- vampires appear in Twilight, wizards and witches in Harry Potter- there is also Tinker Bell, a fairy, and of course the genie from Aladdin… genies are otherwise known as jinn and are not always friendly. But Disney made the genie happy and bouncy, and made Christians comfortable with a Pagan character once again.
I am sure if you took the time to go through some of your favorite movies, you’d see what I mean… witches, vampires, werewolves, fairies, and genies galore.


Thursday, January 16, 2014

About My Blogs

I run quite a few blogs right now, and I would like to tell a little bit about each one. I will give links next to the paragraphs.

Maddie's Think a Thought- Basically a blog where I talk about- stuff. The topics are my choice but I WILL accept readers requests. Sometimes I do poetry, sometimes I talk about baking, or karate, or something along those lines. Sometimes I do posts about my family- as I will tomorrow (my sister's birthday is Saturday. She's turning four; vote on the quiz in the right hand corner to wish her happy B-day!).

Absolute Animals- My biology blog. I post 3-4 paragraphs about animals on this blog. I put a lot of work into the posts, researching online facts. I believe I have written over 100 posts on that blog. Please check it out and leave me a comment, become a follower, or at least take the survey in the upper right hand corner of the blog.

Maddie's Minerals- Basically my science lesson- I research one gem/element per day. I have currently put the gems on hold to focus better on finishing the elemental table. I am on the 67th or 66th element right now- please check out the site, it is good if you need facts about certain elements.

Around the World In 80 Days- As part of a geography lesson, Dad had me create this blog after I read the book, "Around the World in 80 Days". I was allowed to go only 1000 miles a day, and in 80 different "days" see if I could make it around the world. I did, and it was quite an interesting experiment. If you'd like to see where I "visited", check out this link.

The Book Stack- I post all of my book reports and projects on this blog. It is open to the public, but doesn't have that many views. I don't have AS MANY posts on this blog because I don't do as many book reports, so there is usually about one post every two months.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

New Online Course!

I started a new course today! It is called Energy 101, and it's being taught by Sam Shelton from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Both Dad and I are signed up and taking the class. I haven't done the first lecture yet, but Dad has and says it is good. It sounds like it will be an interesting class- if you'd like to check it out and give it a try, click here. 

Other than that, things are going better today. I got up early and intend to get my work done early again, despite being a bit delayed by an Avast update when I woke up. But now I am working. My workload changed this year- I am now doing 2 math, 3 Absolute Animals, 1 Think a Thought, and 1 Mineral per day. Well, and now I guess I will be doing 3 lectures per day too. This course seems very easy- I believe every week there are seven 10-minute lectures. There are then seven 5-question quizzes (one for each lecture) and some easy reading.

I hope that my readers will at a minimum click the link and read about the course- and if you aren't interested, take a look at some of the other coursera classes and see if there IS something you are interested in. All of the courses are free to take and really are not that time consuming.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Bad Day

My philosophy is this: For each day that's a good one, or for each good thing that happens, something bad reciprocates it. ALREADY today my bad luck has begun- my alarm clock broke, causing me to get up late. By getting up late, I am going to be late doing my work and technically it messes up my whole schedule for the day. So obviously I jinxed myself for today by having a good day yesterday.

But NO MATTER! I will just get a new alarm clock and then everything will be better. I don't even know if my philosophy is true, it's just that that is how it always seems to me. But there is no use in talking about that. Yesterday I went to the 2nd class in my cake decorating course. I learned how to make apple blossoms, pansies, and rosebuds using royal icing. Which reminds me- I need to go check them and see if they hardened.

They did! I also took the picture above. The icing I used for them is really interesting- If it is made right, these flowers can last for up to 6 months to be put on a cake. However, this icing also breaks down if it even TOUCHES grease- it could be something as miniscule as too much oils in the plastic of a container it is stored in. You cannot even use the same icing bag that has been used for buttercream for royal icing, even if it has been washed- because the residue remains.

Thats all,


Monday, January 13, 2014

Good Morning!

You are probably wondering why I titled my post "Good Morning"... it is because today I am up at 6:30, and I am going to try to do my resolution and get my work done EARLY. I want to see how well I do. The longest topic for me is typically math, so right after I post this and feed my dog, that is what I am going to do.

Speaking of my dog... he has really gotten "spoiled" lately! He expects food WHEREVER and WHENEVER he sits himself down next to you and mooches, and it is really bothering me. He never used to be like that! I know that my dog deserves the occasional treat or two, but this is getting overboard! And if you don't give in to him, he waddles around following you until you DO give him something. It's pathetic.

Right now, he is sitting outside for that reason! He knows that for me, he has to do his "pee-pee" before he gets breakfast. But he thinks that I will just let him in and feed him, and then let him out AGAIN so he can do his business. I will probably let him out after anyway, but he has to do his morning job that way he doesn't pee in the house. My question for my readers is this: What does your pet do that annoys you? If you could change ONE thing about them, what would it be?


Friday, January 10, 2014


I know, I didn't blog yesterday- but I had a very good reason. I got sick again and almost passed out in the morning. From there, my back started aching as did my legs and I ended up bedridden all day. It was quite annoying for me. You get tired of staring at the same wall all day after a while. At least I had my iPod with me so I could talk to my friends and listen to music.

But today, I am feeling 110% better, and I am very happy! No more bed, no more slouching! I am ready to blog and get my work done and then make fudge! Yes, fudge- and the best fudge ever, too! I will put up the recipe below and tomorrow will post a couple of pictures (hopefully). Here's the recipe. It can often be found on the back of Marshmallow Fluff tubs:

You Will Need:
5 cups of sugar
10 oz. of evaporated milk (two small cans)
1/4 lb butter or margarine
1 16oz. jar of Fluffernutter (marshmallow fluff)
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
2 12 oz bags of semisweet chocolate chips

Combine first 5 ingredients in a 5 qt saucepan. Stir over low heat until blended. Bring to boil over moderate heat, being careful not to mistake escaping air bubbles for boiling. Then boil slowly, stirring constantly for 5 minutes. (use soft ball test). Remove from heat. Stir in chocolate and vanilla until chocolate is melted. Pour into 2 buttered 9x9 inch pans and cool.

Yield: 5 lbs of chocolatey goodness!

There is the recipe- give it a try and tell me how ya like it! Til' next week,


Wednesday, January 8, 2014


It's been awhile since I have done ANY poetry, and I was inspired by something my Dad said in the car. So here is a poem:

I've gone to other places,
I've taken quite a roam,
but after all I've seen,
My favorite place is home.
No honking cars, or traffic,
Backed up to my door,
Just a perfect mountain,
With peace at it's core.
I've seen the sights,
I've heard the sounds,
And now I want to go.
Go home,
to where I'm happiest,
Back to the place I know.

Ok, so that was shorter than I expected, so I have to think up ANOTHER poem. This may take a minute..... here we go:

The Seasons of Life
In spring, so young and happy,
Bouncing here and there,
The trees, filled with new life,
Flowers in the air,
The summer, slow and carefree,
Such sadness when it ends,
Wishing you could go back,
And start it all again,
The fall, as trees are aging,
the leaves slowly die,
and one by one, they fall down,
twirling through the sky,
then finally comes winter,
with all its snow and ice,
The ice falls heavy on the trees, 
and slowly,
they fall down.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Absolute Animals Is Back!

I have not blogged on my animal blog in FOREVER, so when Dad gave me an animal to do the other day, I decided- why not get my blog back on track?! I gave it a whole new look, and there is a fresh new post up, and by the end of the day today, there will be 3 more! I hope that my readers will take a moment and click here to check out the new version of Absolute Animals! I worked hard on it and will be more often now. If you do check out my blog, please take time and contribute in the little "survey" I am running in the top right corner of the site.

Not much has really been going on other than that- me and my sister are sick again, but that isn't a big surprise- OH! Me and Dad have been playing Skyrim (an xBox game) and have discovered we like being thieves a lot. I am trying to level up my pickpocketing skills, while Dad is just starting to learn how to steal stuff (I help him a lot). For any of my readers who play Skyrim, here are some thieving tricks (if you know these and know some others, please leave them in the comments. It is highly appreciated).

Check the barrels.
In many Skyrim towns, no one cares if you rummage through barrels. Most of the time you can raid barrels in buildings like inns as well- just make sure there isn't a red 'steal' caption on it. The barrels often contain food and, if you're lucky, coins.

Close the doors.
If you want to successfully raid an inn or a convenience store, go into a room with a door and close it. Before starting your raid, make sure that the store clerk doesn't come upstairs and catch you (this happened to me in Riverwood and I had to restart my game), and make sure the store keeper doesn't open the door. A way to avoid being on the "suspicious list" is to be careful- if you knock over a pot or something, the store owner will start following you around.

This post is getting quite lengthy- so I will end it here. I hope those tips help you.


Friday, January 3, 2014

RIP Fighter

Today I am very sad... my toad, Fighter, passed away. Since we came back from NJ I noticed he was sick, and today I went to check on the toads and he was lying on the dirt dead. I am SO upset right now... I don't know if he wasn't eating, or if he got too cold, or if he got a disease or what... all I know is he is gone.

If you have ever lost a pet, even a small one, you know how I feel. I know Fighter was "just a toad".... but he was my toad and I loved him. He lived for about a year, which is longer than he would have lasted in the wild. Now, I have moved Baby (the blind toad) in with Stripes (my sister's toad) as the big aquarium is empty.

That's all I am going to blog for today.


Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Birthday Chart has been updated. More recent pictures will be up within the week.

I'm Back!

I am back again.... I took a blogging break as I went up to NJ to visit my family for the holidays. I know that I have been kind of lazy with my blog and my new year's resolution is to blog more frequently for my readers. I know I am always forgetting to post (usually on Mondays due to my class) but this year will be different!!!

Speaking of a new year.... how many of my readers made resolutions? Here are the ones my family made:

My sister resolved to clean the floors and play. (?!)
My Dad resolved to not make any resolutions.
My Grandma resolved to take more time for the Lord and get her work done on time.
And I resolve to start getting up earlier and getting my work done faster- so I have more time to spend with my family.

What was your New Year's Resolution? Leave it in the comments, no matter how silly or strange it might be.
