Comments and Requests

Please leave requests and comments in the comments below. Please leave the name of the post you are commenting on as well.


  1. Comment for today's post. I have used your chat room! you were in it when I did. What am I the invisible man? Your comment today was a bit lame. I come here to be entertained. Please try to pick up the pace on your comments. Try to make them sound interesting and as if you want to write them...not like you are just writing it to get it over with.

    To make amends, please write me a post on the Middle Ages. Tell me what the "Great Schism" was, how it developed and how it was solved. Please also mention how long it lasted and why it mattered.



  2. Your are not the invisible man. You are the man that only comes on when I ASK HIM TO. Seriously Dad.

  3. Why don't you put the comment link back at the bottom of your posts. Much easier that way and maybe people will actually use it. In fact, do it. No maybe or no I won't just do it.


    The Editor...Better known as Dad!

  4. "The Editor...Better known as Dad!"


    Ha ha....just kidding.....but I bet it made Maddie smile. :)

  5. I like your quizzes on the top right hand corner, Minxy. You're doing an awesome job with your blogging overall. My favorite is your poetry, of course. :) Keep doing what you're doing....keep using your creativity and intelligence. I love you. XXX

  6. Hey Maddie. How can I leave a comment on your entries? I never had a problem before.
    Aunt Michelle
