Thursday, February 23, 2012

What Lying Does To Your Reputation

Lying is really bad to do. it damages you, and it also damages your reputation. If you tell too many lies, then people will never believe you. They will automatically think, oh, how can I believe that person, he/she always lies. What's to stop him/her from doing it now?

Joe is really embarrassed about not completing his homework. Instead of asking for help, he cheats and looks at the other kids' paper. When asked if that's what he did, he lies and says no. The teacher finds out, and tells Joe's parents. Ok, so one little lie. Not too bad. But then, Joe starts telling more lies .... and more lies ... until there is a pile so high he can't keep it balanced. Then, when they all tumble out, he has a very bad reputation for lying, and no one will believe him, not even when he is telling the truth. A good example of this is the story of the little boy who cried wolf.

Honesty is something you should always try to have. I know we all lie, but we shouldn't do it frequently. Lying doesn't really do anything for you. Someone always find out sooner or later. If you keep secrets, then when they finally come out, it's ten million times worse than if you had told the truth in the first time. So really, what does lying do for you? Absolutely nothing. I hope you learned a lesson from this. I hope I learn a lesson from this. I think I did.

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