Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Evolution Explained

Evolution .... What is it? Well, evolution is the timeline and shows how things progress. For example, we humans evolved from apes. It is not a complicated process. It is not even caused by the creatures. Here is how it works: The apes are all living in one place, and they have good environment and everything is fine. There are only a few apes that are different from the others, they are rare.

Then, one day, a disease comes and wipes out the normal apes, but the rare ones' DNA is different, and they know how to fight it. Suddenly, the other apes are gone, and the rare apes are breeding and reproducing, making them the dominant breed. This kept happening until we got to what we are now.

Now, this is only one example. There was a type of moth called the pepper moth. It was white with black spots. There was a tree that looked like it, and it was safe with it's camouflage. But then, the industrial revolution happened and the coal in the air from factories, the coal dust turned the trees black. This made the moths stand out.

Now, while the white and black moths where getting eaten, there was a breed that had only one white spot. It was harder to see, and it's survivability rate increased compared to the other moths, and it became the dominant breed, and soon this moth evolved into the normal moth. These changes were environmental, not at all because of the creatures.

I hope you understand evolution better.

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