Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Halloween Draws near... Here is 1 Halloween Recipe!

I have decided that for today and tomorrow (the two days before Halloween) I am going to do recipes. So for today's recipe, I will tell you how to make candy corn brownies (I made them for the karate party).

You Will Need:
1 box milk chocolate Pilsbury Brownie mix
Ingredients specified on brownie box (oil, water, and eggs)
1 bag candy corn

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Mix your brownie mix in with the egg, water, and oil. Bake using the sheet on the box. When your brownies come out of the oven, try to cut them right away. This is optional- if you want to wait, you can. Either way, once the brownies are cut, take your candy corn and press about 3 into each brownie, pointy part first. Let cool, and then enjoy!

They are very tasty, and are very easy to make. I had my sister help me by putting in some of the candy corns. You can also substitute candy pumpkins for the candy corns, or any type of small candy for that matter. Prefer MnM's? Use them! Try this recipe out and send me a picture at my email address maddiesthinkathought@gmail.com Let me know down in the comments what YOU used!
