Friday, May 18, 2012

Readers Requests, PLEASE!!!!!

This is a think a thought in which I BEG YOU FOR IDEAS!!! I am accepting readers requests, and you are letting me down. I don't think I have received one request this year. I am disappointed. I think I barely have any readers anyway. My site isn't public because I am young, but it would help if my readers told people about my site.

Also, feel free to complain, I will try to fix my mistakes. Everyone makes them, and everyone can fix them. Please tell me what I am doing wrong! Or, even better, tell me what you look for in a good website. Is it games, cool stories, news, videos, WHAT!?! I don't care, I want to please my readers. So please, if you want something fixed, or something added, I will take your comment into consideration.



  1. Ideas...How about a post on the change of seasons. Or a post on good places to visit while in New Hampshire,

    As for things you can fix, why not try to make certain you know how to spell the words you use. Such as in today's missive you say you will except ideas. What you meant I think is that you will accept ideas.

    One final idea for you. You often do stories from Lucky. Why not do a story from some of the other animals you know. Willie or Maggie could give you new direction or even Cowasawa (or however you spell that horse's name).


  2. Maddie,

    How about a story about Grandpa? I could tell you things about him if you like.


  3. Thank you for your requests. The mistake will be fixed, and also, I will take animal stories the other way. Thanks for your request,

  4. Your site looks awesome, Beautiful!

    You asked for suggestions a while a go and both Daddy and I responded. I'm not sure if you read them. Look in your archives and you'll find them.

    I love you.


    PS. How about writing about your First Communion and the fun you had with your friends afterwards also.
