Monday, May 7, 2012

My Poor Lucky

Lucky has been down in the dumps today. I bet everyone is wondering why, since Lucky is rarely down in the dumps. Here is how it started: It was late last night. Dad had just put Lucky out for the last time to go to the bathroom. That's when it happened. Lucky was an innocent victim. He found .... A PORCUPINE. He turned to run away from it, but it pricked him- 200 quills in the back leg.

Dad spent an entire hour pulling quills out- and didn't even get all of them. some had inserted themselves into him, and will fall out on their own. So Lucky limps about for now, sore and exhausted from last night. Me and my family took pity on him, and he has gotten special treatment since. Only pats for the Puppa, treats from the table, and water from the well. He is getting better slowly, but it will take some time.

Ode To Puppa ( Porcupine )
To my puppa Lucky,
You've earned a brand new name,
I call you puppa porcupine,
Though you are still the same.
You must learn the laws of nature,
Tough and tricky but still there,
The first one is for you my pup,
Quills are never hair.
Though porcupines look soft,
and fluffy for your rump,
If you try to sit on one,
You'll get up with a jump.
You mustn't touch what isn't yours,
or you will pay the price,
The bill is not worth knowing,
So my puppa,
Please play nice. 

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