Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Trip To NJ

Hello from NJ! Though I am away from my normal Think A Thought base, I can still do my writing due to my Grandma's new internet connection. So for the rest of the week, everyone will be getting regularly scheduled Think A Thoughts.

It's good to be back with my family, back where I came from. Everyone is always happy when we go up there, and it's nice to get away from things, to relax. We always get a good meal, love, and a good family get-together. It's nice to see old friends again.

To finish this very special Think a Thought, I am going to give you a poem about family and it's importance. The next Think a Thought will also be family, holiday, and happiness related in poetry. Here we go. Enjoy, and Happy New Year!


Family is important,
Family is true,
Even if your far away,
They're always there for you,
If your sick they'll heal you,
But not with medicine,
They'll heal you with they're loving care,
To show you that they're always there.

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