Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Pie, Sewing, Karate, OH MY!

I am very excited right now because tomorrow, my little sister is going to start karate! I cannot believe it... I (kinda) remember when I was her age and doing karate in the Little Dragons class.... good times.

My karate teachers are opening a class for little kids, like my sister, and already have another little boy signed up to do it with her. And guess who is going to be helping out with the class?! ME! I am very happy. I love teaching, I just get kind of nervous about it.... but I am getting better.

Earlier today I was sewing with Grandma. Since my sister is starting karate, we pulled out a few of my old gis for Ashleigh. A gi is a special uniform for karate that you wear. However, I was slightly taller than Ashleigh at her age, and so Grandma has to hem up her pants legs. I was helping, but then I stopped to hang out with my sister. Then I got called in to blog... and here I am.

As for the pie mentioned in the title.... I am hoping that later me and Grandma can make a lemon meringue pie. I have had a hankering for one this whole week, and she said that maybe today we could do it, so I am a pretty happy camper. I am going to end this post here....



  1. How did the Karate class go for you and your sister? I hope everything went perfectly for both of you. You must be really good at it for your karate teachers to entrust you with that task. Well, good luck to your teaching and your little sister’s progress. I would love to see the two of you on action some time. Have a great day!

    Ernestine Roberts @ WSKF Australia

    1. It went very well thanks :) I'm a second degree black belt in karate so I help with classes a lot. Thanks for reading!

