Monday, November 25, 2013

Honesty (Readers Request)

Okay, I am going to be flat out honest with my readers- I lied, so this is basically my "punishment". I am going to answer- and ASK- a question about honesty.

First and foremost- Why do I lie? Well, to 'me-at-the-time', it is an easy way to get out of whatever I am doing. So I think: "ooh, let me just do this ITTY-BITTY lie and then its all over- boom." But lies NEVER work like that. No matter what, you always get found out!

I am the kind of person where I do not think ahead (or if I do, I mess it up anyway.) So while at the time, lying may be convenient, it always ends up messing me up later in life. So now I have doubled schoolwork (being schoolwork is what I lied about).

So now I have a question for my readers- why do YOU lie? If you claim that you never lie, you are only kidding yourself... but it is fine if you don't comment. I understand- it took me awhile to get up the courage to write THIS post!!


“The real things haven't changed. It is still best to be honest and truthful; to make the most of what we have; to be happy with simple pleasures; and have courage when things go wrong.” 
- Laura Ingalls Wilder

1 comment:

  1. Everyone has lied before, I agree....but its admitting you lied that makes you a better person. Lies only spiral out of control and most times end up catching up with you....Honesty is the best policy - Thank you for sharing - that might have been a punishment and reward all in one.
