Monday, July 29, 2013

A Sneak Preview of My Baking Site

I have not forgotten about my baking site that I promised would be put up a while ago... It is just that with everything that is going on, it has been hard for me to make progress with it. However, I am going to be working on it a bit more soon, and wanted to give you a sneak peek at one of the articles I did. Here you go!

"Today, I'd like to talk about CAKE MIXES. The base of all that is fluffy and good, the type of cake mix you use is very important for good results. So today I am going to go through the list of cake mixes that I know of, and rate them, on a scale of one to ten- ten being AWESOME! and one being HORRIBLE.

PILLSBURY- Pillsbury is my personal favorite when it comes to cake mix. They put pudding in their mix, and it makes the cakes I bake come out very fluffy and light. I have never had a bad cake come out when I use Pillsbury. I also prefer to use Pillsbury frosting- I sometimes feel awkward buying one type of product and then not buying the other type of product, because it might not taste right. SCORE: 10

DUNCAN HINES- My LEAST favorite brand. YUCK. Duncan Hines cakes always come out dry and tasteless, except for their butter cake. The butter cake really surprised me- most cakes from this brand, even if you mix for EXACTLY the right amount of time, come out dry and disgusting. BLEH. Their frosting doesn't taste very good either. Now, you probably think I tried JUST the cake mix from Duncan Hines. But if so, you thought wrong- I also tested their brownie mix. It was worse than the cake mix. The brownies I made using the mix were rock solid and almost chipped my tooth when I bit into one. NEVER AGAIN WILL I USE THIS BRAND. SCORE: -1

BETTY CROCKER- Betty Crocker- I have never used this brand for my cakes. I don't really like the flavor of the mix- no matter what type you get, the flavor is always off. However, Betty Crocker has the BEST brownie mix. I always use Betty Crocker Brownie Mix for my brownies. But, as this post is about cake mix and not about brownies, I am only going to give Betty a score of 4.

That's all for today's tips!

So there is my post from the baking blog! When it opens, there will also be a baking store along with it where you can pick up all kinds of bakeware and food so that you can make the recipes with me. The money I make from it will be going into a college fund, so I hope that when it opens you will buy your cookware from me.

Well, I have a ton of work still left to do, so I am going to say so long.


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