Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I Actually LIKE History!?!

Recently, I have started a new college course (not online, not graded) and it is on the Great Ancient Civilizations of Asian Minor. So far, I have covered some of Ancient Greek mythology and civilizations and have gone over the Hittite Empire. When I first started watching the DVD's (I watch the courses taped, and Dad and I get them from the Great Courses) I didn't expect too much and wanted it to be over with. But by the end of the third video, I found myself not only scribbling notes enthusiastically but ACTUALLY ENJOYING THE SUBJECT.

In the past, I have always had a strong dislike for history- its in the past, who cares! I guess I had a mental block to it as well because I have taken courses on similar subjects before and not been too thrilled. This also could have been due to the fact that being I had no interest, I just blocked out the lectures and only took in a minimal amount of info. Oops... in any case, this time around, I find myself deriving 3-4 pages of notes from just half a lecture and being able to turn it into a full fledged paper!

Speaking of papers... I am currently writing a 4-pager (a part 2 to my other paper) and I will have it up on here by tomorrow!!! Do you like history? If not, what is/was your favorite lesson? Let me know in the comments, and remember to check back tomorrow to read my paper!


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