Thursday, April 3, 2014

I Can't

My dad has taught me a very valuable lesson, and that is to never say or even THINK these phrases: "I can't" and "I don't know". Why? Because they give off a negative attitude and show that you are giving up- and Dad believes in never giving up, and at giving something your all. "It's better that you try something and fail than quit and walk away- at least you know you gave it your all" is a quote that dad likes to use with me and my sister.

I fully agree about never saying these phrases and have decided that negativity is just NOT WORTH IT!!! Worrying over little things, and letting people annoy you is no way to live life. Things you cannot change you must learn to live with, accept, and possibly make something better out if it. I want to make my life more positive, starting now.

I have seen my friends and myself let simple things bug me. From backstabbing "friends" to fretting about something as simple as an outfit, we all have small things that our own "battles of negativity". Negativity has ruled my life for long enough- and I am going to TRY to change- there is no such thing as "I can't".

I apologize if this post was kind of unfunny, but I felt the need to get this out.


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