Monday, April 29, 2013

I Learned to Ride My Bike!

I know, I know. 11 year olds SHOULD know how to ride their bikes.... but I was always afraid to try. Until yesterday, that is. Yesterday, I went over my friend Caitlin's house, and her and her mom taught me how to ride my bike.

They were SO patient with me... I kept falling over and not balancing correctly. It took nearly 2 hours of me falling down, getting up, and stopping, but 10 minutes before my Dad picked me up, I was successfully biking on my own.

I love biking, it is so fun! I am getting pretty good too.. in fact, the only reason this blog post is out late is because I spent most of my day out biking!! I don't EVER want to forget how to bike. I am going to practice every day for that reason, and also because I want my muscles (and bones) to get stronger. The reason I said bones was because every time I come in from riding my butt bone hurts... hopefully if I ride more I will get more comfortable.

For an end to this post, I'd like to thank both Caitlin and her mom for teaching me how to ride. THANKS SO MUCH GUYS!!!!! I really enjoy biking and it has become one of my number one hobbies.



  1. nice you are following in my foot steeps in biking now remember a helmet! and your brakes your drive way is steep just keep practicing don't try any tricks yet ;) now we could ride bikes when u come over I got 3 bikes now all different sizes you could even bring yours maybe you could come over not this week maybe some other week I not sure but I hope soon


  2. :) sounds good.... Dad still has to get me a helmet, but I still practice a TON and I am getting really good on my bike. I have this weird little stunt bike I inherited from my cousin, lol...
