Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Follower Reader's Requests Wanted Immediately

I have been having a tough time finding things to write about. This is why I like reader's requests. I wish that my followers would give me some ideas in the future. I appreciate that I have all of you reading my blog, but it would help me a lot if you put in ideas.

Think a Thought is a good way to get answers to your questions, and I do not mind doing extra research  to get you the right answers. It's all in a day's work to keep my reader's happy. Remember the rules:
Nothing inappropriate for a 10 year old
Nothing too way far out, like how many stars are there in the sky
And most of all, no fake questions to make me do triple my work. Please read your answer when you put in a question.

I am open for almost any type of writing. This is a variety site, so if you see something that needs improvement, don't be afraid to put it up!



  1. I'd like you to write a post telling us your three favorite books or stories and tell us why they are your favorites. Telling us what they taught you would be another added bonus!

  2. I'd like you to tell us what your favorite school subject is and why you like it. I would also like to know what you think of home scooling...its benefits and its drawbacks.

  3. Hi Beautifil. I'd love to hear about your trip to New Jersey. I love you and miss you. I hope you are having a nice time with Grandma. See you soon. XXX

  4. BTW, I think Daddy's suggestions are great. I also would love for you to add to your poetry corner blog more often as you write beautiful poetry and are so creative. XXX

  5. Hello Beautiful! How about imagining being on a deserted island and you can have but one thing with you; what would it be and why?

    I love you.

