Friday, March 16, 2012

The Five Rules Of Karate and How To Live Them

Here are the five rules of Karate and how to live them.

Effort- Try to put your all into everything you do, and work your hardest to achieve your goals. Whenever I do a karate tournament, I put all my effort into trying to win first place.

Etiquette- To have good manners, no matter where you go. I try to have good manners MOST of the time, but I sometimes forget myself.

Sincerity- To be honest and true. EVERYONE lies at least ONCE, but this rule indeed is one of the harder ones. I try to be honest most of the time but it gets hard.

Character- Who you are. You don't want to be a bad character. You want to be a good character, and not do tons of things wrong.

Self Control- The hardest rule of karate. You must control your mind and your body when you are mad at someone so that you don't hurt them.

These are all techniques you should try to use as you live your everyday life. They help you a lot. They help you be a better person and have more respect for people and places. They can't solve everything, but they can help things go a little smoother.


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