Friday, March 9, 2012

The Most Stupid Presentation Ever

Dad was listening to a presentation he had gotten by email, and I had asked him what it was about. He said it was about natural gas and such, but I decided to listen anyway. It was long and boring, but then, at the end of it, the guy started his marketing speech. Here is how it went to me:

I would really love for YOU to pay ME YOUR hard-earned money, for one newsletter a month. That way, I can go on another vacation so I can take worthless pictures and say that they are of ME inspecting rocks for natural gas. For these pictures to work, you actually have to believe I know what I'm looking at. I do. It's a rock.

By getting my newsletter, you have nothing to lose. ( Except your time, money, and dignity. ) So I really hope you decide to subscribe for a one year membership. Remember, our motto is: Always save your money, but feel free to spend it on us!


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