Monday, January 9, 2012

The Three Up-coming Birthdays

Happy Birthday to my special three family members! They have birthdays all lined up in a row, and here they are:
Ashleigh J. Nef, 2, January 18, 2010
Wayne C. Nef, 46, February 23, 1966
Lucky B. Nef, 1, March 1, 2011

First of all, I would like to give each person a birthday poem, each one unique and just for them.

To my best little sister, Ashleigh:
Sister, sister dearest,
I know that I love you,
And soon will come your birthday,
And you'll get things a-new,
Though I know that you'll enjoy them,
I hope you'll know whats true,
Family is special,
And so are you!

To my Dad:
Happy Birthday Dad,
This year'll be the best,
Though last year was rotten,
This year is one to rest,
You've made a well-planned move,
Let's put it to the test,
But no matter what,
To me you'll be the best.

To my Puppa Lucky:
Lucky, Lucky,
So loyal and true,
You are my puppy,
and I love you,
Soon is your birthday,
You'll be one year old,
A treat is in store,
Here's a hint: It is cold.
You growl at the people you don't care to know,
You love to eat and play in the snow,
And I'll love you forever.

Ok, well there. Each person has his poem. That is a  minor gift from me. I would tell you what I am getting everyone, but alas, Dad would see. And Ashleigh.Lucky can't read, so I will tell you his. It is going to probably be a doggie cake.

Cya Later,
P.S. Happy B-day!

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