Monday, December 22, 2014

Attack of the Dust Mites

Today, Ashleigh and I decided to go down in the basement. It was mid-afternoon and we wanted to play for a bit, and Ashleigh is going through a Barbie phase right now. I used to have TONS of barbie dolls, and they are all stored in the basement. Now, normally I love going into the basement- but recently, I haven't. The reasoning for this isn't anything to do with lighting or temperature, but the fact that our basement is a complete MESS.

When my grandma moved in with us, she brought a lot of stuff with her. We got busy after the move and we haven't exactly had the time to clean it up... so the basement is pretty much stocked high with toys/boxes of stuff. Now, being it is already messy, we rarely go down there. And since we rarely go down there, we don't bother CLEANING down there. And when you don't clean... dust mites gather. For those of you who don't know, my sister and I both have sensitive skin- to pollen, dust, creams, makeups etc. So when we opened up a big bin of barbie dolls (might I add that they haven't seen the light of day in about 4 years), dust got all over.

Within 5 minutes of playing/ripping through the dolls, Ashleigh and I were covered from about the chest up in itchy red bumps. However, I was pretty persistent and we dug through to the bottom of the bin. I was shocked how many of my dolls I actually remembered... and could still name!

When you were a kid, what was your favorite toy? Leave me a comment below telling me!


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