Monday, October 20, 2014

Late Posting (Sorry!)

I apologize for this being such a late post. Monday's are always hectic for me- and I'll tell you why. I get up at 9:00 to get ready by 9:45 (including eating breakfast, doing my hair and makeup and getting dressed) and then Grandma, Ashleigh and I go to our religious meeting. The meeting lasts to about 12:00, and then I go to adoration at the church for roughly 30 minutes. When I come out we ocassionally go for lunch or go shopping, and by the time that THAT is done, we have to go home and get my sister ready for her 4:30 karate class.

Then, I'm at karate until 7:10 on most nights and up to 7:40 on tuesdays. I get back, eat dinner, hang with my sister and THEN finally get around to doing my work. It's a tough day all together so expect my posts a bit later for about another month. My religious class ends at that point until January/February so then it will be easier to blog early. I will likely still be going to adoration, but seeing as it goes all day mondays I can blog before leaving.

It's past 12 now so I will cut my post here and blog later "today".


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