Monday, May 26, 2014

A shout out

This weekend, my dad hung out with me and my sister a lot. Usually he gets busy with work, but because of Memorial Day, he had free time. On Sunday and today he took us to the park, out for iced coffee, played xBox with me and my sister, and played with us. Despite me having to read Atlas Shrugged (a mediocre book by Ayn Rand), it was one of the most fun weekends I have had.

My sister and I have a surprise cooked up for my Dad and Grandma for all they do for us- but I'm not going to say what it is on here. Being it is late, I'm going to keep this post short: but before I go, I want to give a shout out to both my Dad and Grandma.

Dad: thanks for all the time you spend with me, for the late night gaming sessions, for the long, LONG talks at the park, for the hilarious snide comments, for all that you teach me and help me with, and for BEING AN AWESOME DAD.

Grandma: thanks for putting up with me when I am in bad moods and always forgiving me, for having long "girl" talks with me, for all that you've taught me about cooking, nursing and so much more and for all the help with Ashleigh.

I love the both of you sooooo much!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Maddie! What a nice post. I am so curious about what you have planned! I can keep a secret if you want to share.
    Love you,
    Aunt Michelle
