Thursday, October 18, 2012


PIRATE101 IS OUT! THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS, THE GAME YOU HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR FROM KINGSISLE ENTERTAINMENT IS O-U-T OUT! Wait a minute, what am I saying?! Half of my readers probably won't know what the heck I am talking about. Well, as most of you should know, I play an AWESOME game called Wizard101. Well, a new game from the same creator came out called Pirate101. In this game, you get to create your own pirate and travel into new and unseen parts of the Spiral!

I am Lazy Madison Parkinson. I have only been playing for 2 days, and already I am a level 5 witchdoctor. That's right, I chose Hoo-Doo as my power in the game. What's that? You REALLY thought I would totally give up magic for sword-clashing and distasteful clothing? Witchdoctors in the game at least get some cool clothing. But others make it look like you just crawled up out of the briny deep!

If you are interested in becoming a Pirate101 player, please go to for more information. I would recommend Wizard101 for younger players though. It is not as complicated as Pirate101. I am 11 and I have a bit of a tough time getting my character around!

That's it for today.
