Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Get Over It

Over the past two years, I have come to realize something- I can't stay mad at people for very long! I may get ticked off about something initially and act like a butt about it, but I get over things usually within a matter of 30 minutes. The longest I have ever been able to hold a grudge was 12 hours... and even then, it wasn't very strong. In life, we are given a short amount of time, even though it is undetermined- if you think about how long humans have been living, the average lifespan of 75-80 years we are given is not very long. In that time, we grow up, make friends, fall in love, get married and start families, and then watch them have their families... and then we die. But throughout life, we can have one of two outlooks: the sour outlook, or the pessimistic outlook, OR the happy view on life, or the optimistic view.

I try to be realistic... but not to the point that I sour everyone's mood along with my own. Yes, I have days where I can be extremely grumpy, but that happens to everyone. I know that life is often taken for granted... simple things that we do every day are taken for granted, even something so simple as hugging someone can and will be missed if that person gets taken away and you can't hug them anymore. Knowing this, I try to find happiness in everything and everyone- find the silver lining in every grey cloud. Some days, it can be hard because the world feels like it is caving in around you... but you just have to stay strong and stand up through everything. Smile! Smiling in and of itself sends chemicals to the brain that tell it to be happier, so doing that alone will not only improve your looks but improve how you feel.

In the end, life is short and we are given the choice to be moping and sad, or happy and joyful. I try to be joyful- what do you choose?


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