Monday, January 19, 2015

Ashleigh is 5

Yep, you read that right- my little sister turned 5 yesterday! She had a pretty good birthday- we went to see a movie, had pizza for lunch and then spent the rest of the day playing games and in general having fun. I just can't believe she's 5 now- I still remember her being little and having to feed her and change her diapers. I also remember her not being as loud or talking as much... oh well, getting older comes with benefits and downsides- and in all honesty, she usually isn't too bad and will be quiet if you ask her.

She's been loud since her first word though- We were in a Taco Bell and she was, oh, about 8 months old. We were done eating, and her and her baby carrier were sitting on the table, ready to go. There were a LOT of people in the restaurant, mind you, and we were sitting at that table that's always in the middle of the restaurant because all the others were taken. Just as we were about to get up and leave, my sister SCREAMED her first words: "DADADADA DADA!" It was almost as if she were waiting for the perfect moment where the would be a lot of people, because it certainly got everyone's attention quick.

I know my first word was 'cup'. Nothing too extravagant, and I likely didn't scream it at the top of my lungs- but hey, I can talk today, and that's what matters. What was your first word?


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