Saturday, August 16, 2014

Ice Bucket Stupidity

I'm sure I am not the first person who has blogged about this moronic challenge- it seems to have taken over the internet. I can't scroll 2 posts down my FaceBook timeline without seeing one of my friends dumping a bucket of water over their head and "calling out" a bunch of other people. Basically, the challenge is to dump a bucket of ice water on your head and post the video online calling other people out OR donate $10-$100 to ALS. Look, if you want to donate, DONATE! But don't drag others into uncomfortable situations and make them (and yourselves) look like idiots.

Obviously, this challenge is more for attention than anything else. How does dumping a bucket of water on your head support the charity in any way? It only gives you the potential to get sick. It raises NO awareness for the cause- but it DOES give you a whole bunch of attention when you "call people out". I would be very surprised if anyone has donated to the charity because of this- because everyone conforms and dumps ice water on their head. I am happy to say that I have not and WILL NOT be doing this "challenge"- nor will I be donating.


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