Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Cool Whip Ice Cream

I invented a new recipe this weekend just from experimenting. My sister wanted some whipped cream for her jello, and being we didn't have the canned stuff, I improvised and made some cool whip using heavy cream, vanilla bean paste and stevia. After my success with the cool whip, I decided to try to make ice cream using the same recipe. It worked like a charm- Here is the recipe!

You will need:
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup Domino's sugar/stevia blend
1/8 tsp pure vanilla bean paste

Basically, put everything in a bowl and mix on medium speed until the cream gets REALLLLYYYYY thick (almost to the point of turning into butter). Stop it JUST before it reaches this point. Then, freeze for about 4 hours (sometimes longer depending on the amount you are making).


After everything is mixed, you could try adding in some chopped fruit or different flavors... but I haven't tried that yet. If you do end up trying out this recipe, let me know how it comes out!! Also, you can substitute any kind of artificial sweetener or plain sugar for the sugar/stevia blend. I just make it with the artificial sweetener because I find it healthier.


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