Friday, March 28, 2014

New language, Computer coding and more GIMP!

I have been very busy today- Dad found new homeschooling websites for me to study on! First, Dad found a site called Duolingo- a site that teaches languages for free! I checked it out and set up my account, and I really enjoy it! I am currently taking French and can already say a couple of things. The exercises are simple and fun but still teach basic French. It has actually become my favorite school subject! You can try duolingo here: 

But Dad's creativity in teaching me didn't end here. He also found me a site called code academy to teach me- you guessed it, computer programming! At first, I flipped out because I thought that he was giving me the course that he himself had trouble with. However, I was wrong- code academy starts you off with the most BASIC encoding, and works you up slowly. Much like duolingo, it has simple exercises that educate you JUST enough to not annoy you. Try out codeacademy here: 

And finally, on top of all that, I had another assignment due for my GIMP class. You had to edit a photo and add text into it. Here is what I came up with:

Well, that draws this post to a close....

Til' Tomorrow,


  1. Bonjour, Madison! Ca va? I loved taking French in school. Your grandma and I used to speak at home sometimes especially if I didn't want grandpa to know what I was saying! Love the GIMP pictures. Keep them coming.
    Aunt Michelle

    1. thanks :) i will try to put up a different GIMP picture each week
