Monday, February 9, 2015

The Dissapointment in Hot Chocolate

Here in New Hampshire, the weather has been pretty bad. It has been snowing since last night, and today Grandma and I decided to go out and wipe off the cars for my dad so he can move the cars and plow. We went out along with my sister and my dog. Lucky gets... excited during the winter, and was full of energy. He almost knocked me over three times and came close to knocking my sister over, which resulted him getting a whack in the ribs with the broom I was using to clean off the car. Since I made the stupid mistake of not wearing gloves, I was freezing cold by the time both cars were clean and I was more than ready to go in.

I went in, changed into some comfy pj's and then went to make hot chocolate for all of us. Winter traditions, y'know? The only box we had was Swiss Miss, which isn't my favorite to begin with, but I was pretty desparate so I took out a pack for each of us and made it according to the directions on the box. The result? A cup of brown, flavorless water. I took a sip and then checked to see if I had forgotten to put mix in- but no, it was a murky color of a puddle after a rainstorm and tasted like water. I checked my sister's, to no avail. Finally, I took everyone's hot chocolate back and used a second pack in each cup. What a rip off. Sell tasteless hot chocolate so that everyone is forced to use twice the normal amount advertised and buy more. I THINK FREAKING NOT. I don't like the brand at all and would not recommend it to anyone- unless, you know, you LIKE warm puddle water after being out in the snow for an hour.


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