Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Best Things About Owning a Dog

This post is going to be a little different from some of my other postsas it is going to be a list (of sorts).

1) A dog shows UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. He doesn't care what you do to him (as long as it isn't EXTREMELY bad), he doesn't care what your opinions are OR if you call him names. He will still happily curl up with you when the day is at its end.

2) They are your personal vacuums- you drop a piece of brocoli? They're on it. Knock over a glass of milk? They are at your feet lapping it up. Why waste $50 on a hunk of emotionless plastic when you can adopt a dog that will be your trust companion and personal vacuum for life?

3) Dogs are also wonderful pillows and are great for hugs when you are down. They may drool a little, but when the world seems to shut you out and you feel down, no hug compares to that of your dog's. They are warm, AND, if you've trained them from puppy-hood (like I trained Lucky) they will rest their heads on your shoulder.

4) They are also great for a laugh. If you watch them enough, you'll find that there is no better comedian than your four-legged friend. From sticking their heads into holes in the ground to knocking you on your butt, they always amuse (at least in my opinion).

What are your favorite things about dogs? If I forgot to mention something above, comment below and let me know.


1 comment:

  1. I like the way you can train them to balance a bisquit on their nose and keep it there until you say ok. Then they flip it in the air and catch it in their mouths (most times).
