Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Back to Baking!

Today I finally got around to updating my baking site! I am going to be posting there weekly now, meaning weekly treats! On occasion I will post tips, or a video, and more regularly recipes. My site is JUST for sweetened and baked goods, so if you are on a diet, this is not the site for you! However, just because YOU can't eat goodies doesn't mean someone else can't- so if you know someone who loves to bake like me, it would mean a lot if you would pass my site on to them.

I also have a store set up through amazon through the site- it features a lot of baking goods and items. Even if you click through to amazon by using my link and then buy something, I would get a small profit from it at no extra cost to you. I just posted a new recipe- peanut butter maple drop cookies. My sister helped me with it and they turned out really good- both of us highly recommend the cookies.

So go check out the site and leave me a comment here OR there! Let me and Ashleigh know what you think. Check it out:


1 comment:

  1. The cookies were/are great! Gonna grab one before I go to bed!
