Thursday, May 17, 2012

Peeling The Facebook Onion- Ways to have fun on Facebook

What I do on facebook, ( since their isn't much for a ten year old girl to do,) is I look at some of my friends funny photos. They take them from people who live for laughs, and post it as their status. So what I do is I look for who they stole the photo from, and click their albums. From their I look through the pics, most of which are funny, and share some.


I like that people take time out of their day to make albums for people to look through just to have a laugh. I have run across albums with 4000+ photos in them. No joke. It's so nice that people do that. I'd like to take a second to thank the people who do that. I don't know if they check the comments on the photos, but there are so many people who get enjoyment from those pictures. I got this one from Jokes 'R Us. 

You should try doing this sometime- it's really fun and easy to do. 


  1. Nice pic Maddie that made me laugh so hard.

  2. Why thank you Kyle :) I got it from facebook

  3. Replies
    1. Yup, I do. Do you have one? If you do, make sure to tell me so I can add you as a friend

    2. My mom is thinking of letting me have a facebook

    3. Cool! If she does, let me know and I'll add you as a friend

  4. I am getting a facebook so you can add me as a friend.
    I thought you had to be 13 to get a facebook?

    1. ditto :) you do, but dad let me put in a false age. A lot of my friends do. Look for a friend request from Madison Margaret.
      P.s. Whats your facebok name???

  5. If I can't find you, just send me a friend request.

  6. I did not make it yet im still doing math. your friend kyle
