Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Black Belt Test!!!!!!!!

I found out yesterday that Dad and I will be testing together soon in karate- FOR OUR BLACK BELTS!!!!!!!! At the end of June, we will be tested together. Thank heavens the test is right here in Jaffrey- no long driving! I think Dad and I are the only ones in our school who are going. I am psyched! Here is a photo of Dad and my test invites-

Well, Dad and I are pretty happy about finally being able to test, especially together. The test will be long, the test will be hard, but we will make it.
 More later,


  1. Good luck Maddie!!! hope you get your black belt.

    1. Thanks Kyle! By the way, I had a lot of fun after karate today. I hope your parents do class, cause then we can hang out more!
