Thursday, January 29, 2015

"Just Sayin' "

Today, I hear a lot of my friends making snide remarks, and finishing their insult by saying "Just saying" as if THAT makes anything better. A good example is: "That's a really stupid hobby and only nerds do that. Just sayin'!" Adding "just saying" to the end of something doesn't make anything better or make you any better of a person- if anything, you look even more like a jerk because when you say it, it often comes out in a whine and makes you sound overly dramatic.

My Dad hates this phrase, if you can't tell from how I'm writing. While he puts up with it while I am around my friends, afterwards he spouts off about it and cracks a lot of jokes, often making remarks ending in "just saying" followed by a stream of un-repeatable curses.

I have to go to karate now, so I'll keep this post nice and short.


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