Friday, January 30, 2015


Don't feel bad
It's not your fault
It's mine for falling and failing
Failing to wake up and realize
Failing to pull myself out of wonderland in time
Don't take pity
I really don't deserve it
Nor do I want it
the last thing I need is a fuss
Or for someone to be curious
Don't say what you don't mean
Don't feed me lies, just come clean

Thursday, January 29, 2015

"Just Sayin' "

Today, I hear a lot of my friends making snide remarks, and finishing their insult by saying "Just saying" as if THAT makes anything better. A good example is: "That's a really stupid hobby and only nerds do that. Just sayin'!" Adding "just saying" to the end of something doesn't make anything better or make you any better of a person- if anything, you look even more like a jerk because when you say it, it often comes out in a whine and makes you sound overly dramatic.

My Dad hates this phrase, if you can't tell from how I'm writing. While he puts up with it while I am around my friends, afterwards he spouts off about it and cracks a lot of jokes, often making remarks ending in "just saying" followed by a stream of un-repeatable curses.

I have to go to karate now, so I'll keep this post nice and short.


Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Second day in a row, but I felt like it.


It's funny how one word
Holds so much power
As if your life depends on it
As if your about to jump from a tower
Find something to put your heart into
Find something you love and want to stick with forever
But what if I don't want to?
Does that mean I'll find peace never?
Choose good or evil...
Choose your side, and stay with it.

Monday, January 26, 2015


Close the Door

Close the door
Walk away
Another smile
Another day
Close the door
Don't turn around
Shut your lips
Don't make a sound
Close the door
And lock it tight
Don't come back
Leave with the night

Dad's Grades

Today, my grandma and I were unpacking some boxes from when she moved, and we found some old report cards! Being homeschooled, I don't get "grades" from school, but I was still interested in my Dad's grades to see how he did when he was my age. A's, B's, the OCCASIONAL B-... it amused me to see things from the past. I don't know. I just wanted to put up a short paragraph about that, I find it interesting.

Other than cleaning, I am in the process of writing a paper  on the book "I am David". It is a book that has won many awards, and was written in 1963 about a young boy named David who was raised in a concentration camp until the age of 12 and then escapes. I am almost done with it, and it will be published on The Book Stack tomorrow. I think I've said this before, but I'm not allowed to publish school projects on here anymore, so I'll leave a link to the other blog below.


Thursday, January 22, 2015



I have found a point of clarity
I've reached the place of no return
Trying not to feel the pain
Of reality's sweet burn
Sometimes to forget
you have to pay a price
bittersweet ignorance
and a heart as cold as ice
The good is washed out with the bad
as there is no way to keep it
aside from all the bad memories,
which cling to my brain like magnets.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Get Over It

Over the past two years, I have come to realize something- I can't stay mad at people for very long! I may get ticked off about something initially and act like a butt about it, but I get over things usually within a matter of 30 minutes. The longest I have ever been able to hold a grudge was 12 hours... and even then, it wasn't very strong. In life, we are given a short amount of time, even though it is undetermined- if you think about how long humans have been living, the average lifespan of 75-80 years we are given is not very long. In that time, we grow up, make friends, fall in love, get married and start families, and then watch them have their families... and then we die. But throughout life, we can have one of two outlooks: the sour outlook, or the pessimistic outlook, OR the happy view on life, or the optimistic view.

I try to be realistic... but not to the point that I sour everyone's mood along with my own. Yes, I have days where I can be extremely grumpy, but that happens to everyone. I know that life is often taken for granted... simple things that we do every day are taken for granted, even something so simple as hugging someone can and will be missed if that person gets taken away and you can't hug them anymore. Knowing this, I try to find happiness in everything and everyone- find the silver lining in every grey cloud. Some days, it can be hard because the world feels like it is caving in around you... but you just have to stay strong and stand up through everything. Smile! Smiling in and of itself sends chemicals to the brain that tell it to be happier, so doing that alone will not only improve your looks but improve how you feel.

In the end, life is short and we are given the choice to be moping and sad, or happy and joyful. I try to be joyful- what do you choose?


Tuesday, January 20, 2015



Paint on that fake smile,
Cover up those tears,
Hide behind concealer,
Never show your fears,
Fake laugh, fake hair,
Vacant heart, blank stare
Brush it off without a care
Go inside yourself,
the only one who knows
Says they care about you,
But never lets it show
Perhaps they're hiding too,
but with a different mask
enough to cover up their errors
but how long will it last?
when you're trusted by most

and hated by some
but hidden to everyone
then where do you run?

Monday, January 19, 2015

Ashleigh is 5

Yep, you read that right- my little sister turned 5 yesterday! She had a pretty good birthday- we went to see a movie, had pizza for lunch and then spent the rest of the day playing games and in general having fun. I just can't believe she's 5 now- I still remember her being little and having to feed her and change her diapers. I also remember her not being as loud or talking as much... oh well, getting older comes with benefits and downsides- and in all honesty, she usually isn't too bad and will be quiet if you ask her.

She's been loud since her first word though- We were in a Taco Bell and she was, oh, about 8 months old. We were done eating, and her and her baby carrier were sitting on the table, ready to go. There were a LOT of people in the restaurant, mind you, and we were sitting at that table that's always in the middle of the restaurant because all the others were taken. Just as we were about to get up and leave, my sister SCREAMED her first words: "DADADADA DADA!" It was almost as if she were waiting for the perfect moment where the would be a lot of people, because it certainly got everyone's attention quick.

I know my first word was 'cup'. Nothing too extravagant, and I likely didn't scream it at the top of my lungs- but hey, I can talk today, and that's what matters. What was your first word?


Saturday, January 17, 2015


Who You Think I Am

Take the letters that make me
Spell them out
Yeah, they tell me out
Am I who you think I am?
Solve every last equation that defines who I am

Do the numbers make sense?
They don't to me

Am I who you think I am?
Scientifically, it isn't possible
But everything adds up
Yeah, not for me
Am I who you think I am?
My brain does not define me
The tests I take aren't me
But if you look through rose-colored glasses
That's all you'll ever see

Thursday, January 15, 2015


I have nothing better to blog about, so I figured I'd talk about one of my pet peeves. Something I really hate that people do is when people think they can just ignore you for, oh, a year or so and then text you out of the blue saying they want to talk again. I hate this because it's so rude- people who only talk to you if it's CONVENIENT for them. I know a few people who ignore me for months on end, even if I try texting them, and then suddenly text me from nowhere because they need help talking to someone I know. The heck?! No. You just DON'T DO THAT. I believe in second chances and all, but some people do this so relentlessly that it clearly won't change any time soon.

Another pet peeve of mine is when people use others for bragging rights. "Oh, I'm dating THIS person, and therefore that makes me better than everyone" when really, all you're doing is using someone as armcandy and a person to whine your problems at. If you're going to have a relationship like that, okay, fine. There's probably more stuff involved and I really don't care. What I care about is when you start making drama-filled facebook posts every other day to get your point across. NO ONE CARES. HONESTLY. Keep your problems between you and that person or whoever else is included in the problem, but don't drag others in.

Those are just two of my biggest pet peeves, and I have a lot more that I won't include. I'm not trying to point fingers with this post, I'm just speaking (or in this case, writing) my mind. 


33 Moments of Happiness

Normally I am not allowed to post my reports on this blog, but this one if not so much a report as a blog. I wrote it a short while ago (still on The Importance of Living) and I put it on my other blog- but I think it should go on this one too as it is more... thoughts than anything else. Here it is.

This chapter of the book was just these 33 moments of happiness… they were written by a man and his friend when they got stuck in a temple for 10 days due to bad weather. While they take up most of the paper, I included them all because I think they are a great example of, once again, the little things in life and how important and significant they are. I am going to include these 33 moments of happiness, but I am also going to write my own 33 and ALSO: I challenge my readers to make a list of 33 little things that make them happy and leave it in a comment below.
1)      Jumping barefoot into rain puddles while it is thundering and lightning out.
2) Walking in the woods on a cold day in the fall, listening to the birds and other animals.
3) Finding a radio station in the car that plays non-stop techno music.
4) Long, deep talks with Dad when I get depressed or feel lonely.
5) Talking to my friends and feeling their support and knowing that they care about me.
6) Turning somersaults in the cold lake water with my sister during the summer.
7) Burning incense outside and sitting on my rock, thinking about everything.
8) Sitting quietly in the living room with my family, watching the wood stove fire burn out.
9) Staying up until 1:00 playing the name game with my family.
10) The feeling of relief after beating a hard boss in a game.
11) The clarity that comes from writing emotional poetry.
12) Walking along the beach with my dad and sister, collecting seashells.
13) Attempting to tackle my mom when I was little, and never succeeding.
14) Spinning in a circle for five minutes, then collapsing and watching the ceiling spin.
15) Feeling shivers crawl up my spine while reading a book.
16) Looking at my best friend and knowing that we are thinking the same thing.
17) The first sip of a cold drink on a hot day in summer.
18) The taunting smell of pizza as you struggle through a hard workout in karate.
19) Whirlpool baths in the Jacuzzi after a hard black belt test.
20) The feeling of pride and accomplishment that comes after a black belt test.
21) Finishing the icing on a cake and seeing that it is completely smooth, with no ridges.
22) Watching others smile and enjoy the food you made.
23) Talking to my dog, knowing that he doesn’t judge me and will never tell my secrets.
24) Hugs from my sister when I feel down.
25) Going to an empty park and being able to do whatever you want.
26) Picnics in the woods during the summer.
27) Listening to a song that describes my mood perfectly.
28) When I let my hair down after karate.
29) Watching my dog dive after a stick and going underwater.
30) Going through my memory box on nights when I can’t sleep.
31) The mini heart-attack you have right before a huge drop on a roller coaster.
32) Hugging my friends when they get down or upset.
33) When my sister flipped someone off at the mall and made me laugh…
Ah, is this not happiness?
Those are my 33 moments of happiness… when you write your 33, keep in mind that it can be little things OR big… but if you use a lot of big things, you are going to have a harder time deciphering the importance of the little things. Most of mine were little, but I threw in a couple of big things too. Just remember not to base your life and its worth off of “big” things because they so rarely happen… take time to look for the small joys in life and enjoy those instead. Then, when something big actually does come around it will make it that much more special, because instead of LOOKING for the big you waited, took your time, and enjoyed the little things.

Below are the original 33:

1. It is a hot day in June when the sun hangs still in the sky and there is not a whiff of wind in the air, nor a trace of clouds; the front and back yards are hot like an oven and not a single bird dares to fly about. Perspiration flows down my whole body in little rivulets. There is the noonday meal before me, but I cannot take it for the sheer heat. I ask for a mat to spread on the ground and lie down, but the mat is wet with moisture and flies swarm about to rest on my nose and refuse to be driven away. Just at this moment when I am completely helpless, suddenly there is a rumbling of thunder and big sheets of black clouds overcast the sky and come majestically on like a great army advancing to battle. Rain-water begins to pour down from the eaves like a cataract. The perspiration stops. The clamminess of the ground is gone. All flies disappear to hide themselves and I can eat my rice. Ah, is this not happiness?
2. A friend, one I have not seen for ten years, suddenly arrives at sunset. I open the door to receive him, and without asking whether he came by boat or by land, and without bidding him to sit on the bed or the couch, I go to the inner chamber and ask my wife: “Have you got a gallon of wine like Su Tungp’o's wife?” My wife gladly takes out her gold hairpin to sell it. I calculate it will last us three days. Ah, is this not happiness?
3. I am sitting alone in an empty room and I am just getting annoyed at a little mouse at the head of my bed, and wondering what that little rustling sound signifies – what article of mine he is biting or what volume of my books he is eating up. While I am in this state of mind and don’t know what to do, I suddenly see a ferocious-looking cat, wagging its tail and staring with its wide-open eyes, as if it were looking at something. I hold my breath and wait a moment, keeping perfectly still, and suddenly with a little sound the mouse disappears like a whiff of wind. Ah, is this not happiness?
4. I have pulled out the hait’ang and chiching (flowering trees) in front of my studio, and have just planted ten or twenty green banana trees there. Ah, is this not happiness?
5. I am drinking with some romantic friends on a spring night and am just half intoxicated, finding it difficult to stop drinking and equally difficult to go on. An understanding boy servant at the side suddenly brings in a package of big fire-crackers, about a dozen in number, and I rise from the table and go and fire them off. The smell of sulphur assails my nostrils and enters my brain and I feel comfortable all over my body. Ah, is this not happiness?
6. I am walking in the street and see two poor rascals engaged in a hot argument of words with their faces flushed and their eyes staring with anger as if they were mortal enemies, and yet they still pretend to be ceremonious to each other, raising their arms and bending their waists in salute, and still using the most polished language of thou and thee and wherefore and is it not so? The flow of words is interminable. Suddenly there appears a big husky fellow swinging his arms and coming up to them, and with a shout tells them to disperse. Ah, is this not happiness?
7. To hear our children recite the classics so fluently, like the sound of water pouring from a vase. Ah, is this not happiness?
8. Having nothing to do after a meal I go to the shops and take a fancy to a little thing. After bargaining for some time, we still haggle about a small difference, but the shop-boy still refuses to sell it. Then I take out a little thing from my sleeve, which is worth about the same thing as the difference and throw it at the boy. The boy suddenly smiles and bows courteously saying, “Oh, you are too generous!” Ah, is this not happiness?
9. I have nothing to do after a meal and try to go through the things in some old trunks. I see there are dozens of IOUs from people who owe my family money. Some of them are dead and some still living, but in any case there is no hope of their returning the money. Behind people’s backs I put them together in a pile and make a bonfire of them, and I look up to the sky and see the last trace of smoke disappear. Ah, is this not happiness?
10. It is a summer's day. I go bareheaded and barefooted, holding a parasol, to watch young people singing Soochow fol-songs while treading the water-wheel. The water comes up over the wheel in a gushing torrent like molten silver or melting snow. Ah, is this not happiness?
11. I wake up in the morning and seem to hear someone in the house sighing and saying that last night someone died. I immediately ask to find out who it is, and learn that it is the sharpest, most calculating fellow in town. Ah, is this not happiness?
12. I get up early on a summer morning and see people sawing a large bamboo pole under a mat-shed, to be used as a water-pipe. Ah, is this not happiness?
13. It has been raining for a whole month and I lie in bed in the morning like one drunk or ill, refusing to get up. Suddenly I hear a chorus of birds announcing a clear day. Quickly I pull aside the curtain, push open a window and see the beautiful sun shining and glistening and the forest looks like it's having a bath. Ah, is this not happiness?
14. At night I seem to hear someone thinking of me in the distance. The next day I go to call on him. I enter his door and look about his room and see that this person is sitting at his desk, facing south, reading a document. He sees me, nods quietly and pulls me by the sleeve to make me sit down, saying, “Since you are here, come and look at this.” And we laugh and enjoy ourselves until the shadows on the walls have disappeared. He is feeling hungry himself and slowly asks me, “Are you hungry, too?" Ah, is this not happiness?
15. Without any serious intention of building a house of my own, I happened, nevertheless, to start building one because a little sum had unexpectedly come my way. From that day on, every morning and every night, I was told that I needed to buy timber and stone and tiles and bricks and mortar and nails. And I explored and exhausted every avenue of getting some money, all on account of this house, until I got sort of resigned to this state of things. One day, finally, the house is completed, the walls have been whitewashed and the floors swept clean; the paper windows have been pasted and scrolls and paintings are hung up on the walls. All the workmen have left, and my friends have arrived, sitting on different couches in order. Ah, is this not happiness?
16. I am drinking on a winter’s night, and suddenly note that the night has turned extremely cold. I push open the window and see that snowflakes come down the size of a palm and there are already three or four inches of snow on the ground. Ah, is this not happiness?
17. To cut with a sharp knife a bright green water-melon on a big scarlet plate of a summer afternoon. Ah, is this not happiness?
18. I have long wanted to become a monk, but was worried because I would not be permitted to eat meat. If, then, I could be permitted to eat meat publicly, why, then I could heat a basin of hot water, and with the help of a sharper razor, shave my head clean in a summer month! Ah, is this not happiness?
19. To keep three or four spots of eczema in a private part of my body and now and then to scald or bathe it with hot water behind closed doors. Ah, is this not happiness?
20. To find accidentally a handwritten letter of some old friend in a trunk. Ah, is this not happiness?
21. A poor scholar comes to borrow money from me, but is shy about mentioning the topic, and so he allows the conversation to drift along on other topics. I see his uncomfortable situation, pull him aside to a place where we are alone and ask him how much he needs. Then I go inside and give him the sum and after having done this, I ask him: “Must you go immediately to settle this matter or can you stay awhile and have a drink with me?” Ah, is this not happiness?
22. I am sitting in a small boat. There is a beautiful wind in our favour, but our boat has no sails. Suddenly there appears a big lorcha (tropical fish), coming along as fast as the wind. I try to hook on to the lorcha in the hope of catching on to it, and unexpectedly the hook does catch. Then I throw over a rope and we are towed along and I begin to sing the lines of Tu Fu: “The green makes me feel tender towards the peaks, and the red tells me there are oranges.” And we break out in joyous laughter. Ah, is this not happiness?
23. I have long been looking for a house to share with a friend but have not been able to find a suitable one. Suddenly, someone brings news that there is a house somewhere, not too big, but with only about a dozen rooms, and that it faces a big river with beautiful green trees around. I ask this man to stay for supper, and after the supper we go over together to have a look, having no idea what the house is like. Entering the gate, I see that there is a large vacant lot, and I say to myself, “I shall not have to worry about the supply of vegetables and melons henceforth.” Ah, is this not happiness?
24. A traveller returns home after a long journey, and he sees the old city gate and hears the women and children on both banks of the river talking in his own dialect. Ah, is this not happiness?
25. When a good piece of old porcelain is broken, you know there is no hope of repairing it. The more you turn it about and look at it, the more you are exasperated. I then hand it to the cook, and give orders that he shall never let that broken porcelain bowl come within my sight again. Ah, is this not happiness?
26. I am not a saint, and am therefore not without sin. In the night I did something wrong and I get up in the morning and feel extremely ill at ease about it. Suddenly I remember what is taught by Buddhism, that not to cover one’s sins is the same as repentance. So then I begin to tell my sin to the entire company around, whether they are strangers or my old friends. Ah, is this not happiness?
27. To watch someone writing big characters a foot high. Ah, is this not happiness?
28. To open the window and let a wasp out from the room. Ah, is this not happiness?
29. A magistrate orders the beating of the drum and calls it a day. Ah, is this not happiness?
30. To see someone’s kite-line broken. Ah, is this not happiness?
31. To see a wild prairie fire. Ah, is this not happiness?
32. To have just finished repaying all one’s debts. Ah, is this not happiness?
33. To read the Story of Curly-Beard (who gave up his house to a pair of eloping lovers then disappeared). Ah, is this not happiness?

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Reading Mom's Poetry

Today I got around to reading some of my mom's poetry- it was lying on the ground near my Dad's desk, and since the internet was out and I had nothing better to do, I decided to read some of it. I read the first one I picked up and I automatically needed to read more. I read through all of the ones I could find and after I was done, I felt somehow... closer to Mom than before. Reading her poetry and attempting to decipher it gives me a clearer view into who she was- who I never really got to meet.

Reading and re-reading the poetry made me realize that she had a lot of the same emotions I had, but at a different degree. Mom really DID have a gift for poetry, even from her teen years. It wasn't just pansy stuff either... most of it is really deep and emotional. I actually teared up a few times reading them. One of Mom's goals in life was to publish a poetry book... but unfortunately she didn't get to. My Dad is compiling her poetry together and is going to publish a book for her so that she will have reached one of her goals, even if after death.

It will likely be published later this year, and if not then next year. We are already 50 pages in and by the time we are done there will hopefully be 150-200 pages worth of poetry. I hope that you will enjoy it.


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I don't know what to write about...

I honestly have no clue what to write about anymore. I want to write poetry, but I've been doing too much of that lately. Right now, I am sitting at my laptop, staring blankly at the screen hoping something will come to me but... nothing is. My mind is somehow free and clear: un-stressed and clarified. It's a nice feeling, but it sucks when you are trying to write a blog post late at night. Normally I can type these out within 15 minutes, but today has just been... different.

Dad left for NY again... more work stuff. I didn't miss karate because of it though. Which I'm glad about. Karate is good stress-relief and exercise and I literally don't know what I'd do without it. I missed ONE CLASS last week (That's 1 out of 5 classes missed) and I felt like I hadn't gone for weeks. Getting back into the dojo on Monday was awesome- especially the 10 o'clock morning class. I may whine and grumble about getting up early, but I really missed my morning workout last week,

Anyway, it's kinda late so I'll wrap my post up here.


Bean Soup Recipe

You Will Need:
4-5 cups of water
Ham bone and leftover ham scraps
4 cloves of fresh garlic, minced
2 celery stalks, cut small
1 carrot, cut small
2 bay leaves
1/4 tsp black pepper
2 large cans of Great Northern Beans

Saute minced garlic for 1 minute and put into a pot. Then saute the celery and carrots in oil for 5 minutes. Add the vegetables to the pot along with the meat and bone. Add water and bay leaves. Bring this to a boil and then lower the heat and simmer for 1 hour. Add both cans of beans and simmer for 5 minutes, adding the black pepper. Remove the bones and bay leaves, and then puree in small batches. Put the pureed soup into a fresh pot and then heat and serve.

What is your favorite soup recipe? Leave me a comment and let me know.


Friday, January 9, 2015



Don't ask me to explain
I can't
And even if I could,
what makes you think I'd tell you?
Don't tell me that I can
that you'll accept me as I am
because even if you could,
what makes you think I'd tell you?
Don't try to talk me down
from the ledge I've put myself on
even if you could,
what makes you think I'd listen to you?
Don't try to surround me with lies
I see through them
and even if I couldn't
I still wouldn't like you
Don't give me false promises
I've had enough of them
and even if I hadn't
who wants them to begin with?
Don't try to bring down my defenses
they're up for good
and even if you think they crumble
they're still stronger than ever
Don't try to talk to me anymore
I know you're gone
and even if you weren't
I may not want to
Don't say you'll try
Because all you ever do is give up
and even if you did try
Your efforts would fail.        

Thursday, January 8, 2015



the man-made concept,
on which we all rely,
to tell us when we're young or old,
to stay living or to die,
we quarrel about everything
from politics to religion
which were both made by man,
but include decision
never have I heard
of arguing over time
unless discussing theories,
of how, or when, or why
I think I know the answer
as to why we never fight
it is because with time,
there is no wrong or right,
we see it as a dictator,
when it is but a thought
another idea created by man
that should never have been brought.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Laughing is important

The other day, my Dad was reading an article in his emails and turned to ask me "How many times per day do you laugh?" I answered "I laugh a lot, why?" His reply was "On average, children laugh 300 times a day... while adults only laugh about 10 times." I was shocked- Dad laughs a lot more than 10 times usually, and I KNOW I laugh more than 300 times. If anything, I probably laugh 500-700 times- it doesn't take much to make me giggle. A funny picture, something my sister says or does, my dog's reactions, even my own thoughts amuse me.

I've said this time and time again but I'll say it again: it's the little things in life that matter the most. If you take time to look around you, there are many things to laugh and smile about. I think (and this is just my own reasoning) that adults don't smile/laugh as much as children do because they get so caught up in LIFE that they forget to stop and notice small things. Children have more time and are more carefree, and notice things faster and therefore have more to smile and laugh about. No matter what age you are, you should have the time to take even a minute and reflect on the tiny joys in life. Maybe there are pretty sunsets where you live- take the time one day to watch the sun go down. Go out for a short walk in the woods, or along the beach... maybe just sit down with a good book for a half an hour. Take time for yourself, just because you get older doesn't mean you should stop smiling.

I asked my grandma how often she smiled and she said 5-6 times per day. Her excuse? "Well, adults have more responsibility." <=== I think that proves my theory pretty well- just because you have more responsibility doesn't mean neglect your level of happiness. We're given an unknown amount of time on Earth to live- we can choose to be happy and we can choose to be sad. I choose to be happy- what's your choice?


Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Become the Winter

Let all emotion fade away,
Like snow upon a winter day,
Landing soft upon the ground,
Quickly fading all around
Make your heart cold and hard as ice
No love, no pain, no feelings suffice
The only thing you leave is hate,
The grey slush washing through the grate,
You never thought love would prevail,
So you let your emotions fall like hale
Breaking windows of firm trust
Letting silver turn to rust
Melt away in the light of hope
Bound by the knots of your own rope

Monday, January 5, 2015

Bath-Haverhill Covered Bridge

Bath-Haverhill Bridge- not my picture
For those who don't know, Dad and I enjoy searching for covered bridges in our spare time. On occasion, we take a weekend and drive around to look for them to visit them. It was our belief that there were 13 covered bridges in New England, but a quick Google search proved us wrong- there are in fact 54 covered bridges in NH alone. We have visited 9 out of those 54 so far and intend to visit the rest throughout the year. I saw the long list and decided to look up the oldest standing bridge and found that it was the Bath-Haverhill bridge in Bath, NH.

It was built in 1829 by Moses Abbott and Leonard Walker after Ariel Miner left his position as the superintendent of the project. It has been repaired 3 times since its original construction- once because of an ice storm, once because of arson and once just for regular repairs. The total cost for repairs was about $46,000 over the years. It blows my mind that someone would want to burn these bridges- a few years back, 3 covered bridges were burned and arson was suspected... the bridges are often times historic landmarks, who would want to get rid of them? Not only are they old, but I find them beautiful and rustic in their own way.

This weekend, my family and I went to visit 4 bridges that are relatively close to us and I got pictures. I will add pictures to this post later, due to the fact I am too lazy to go charge up my iPod and add photos- being my pictures were better than my dad's this trip ;)

Have you ever visited a covered bridge? Leave me a comment.
