Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor day to all my readers! No, Labor Day isn't going to be the main topic of this post- I just wanted to get it out of the way. The rest of the post is just going to be about some changes going on with my blog. I am going to be taking polls down from the site as a) they never get used and b) I'm too lazy to change them. Also, if you've noticed I haven't changed the background of my blog in awhile. This is because a few people told me that it was easier to read with the current background, so I left it. If you are a new reader, allow me to explain: I used to change the background of the site once a month, but after awhile people couldn't read the blog because of the colors/type I used. So that is stopped for the time being.

I also have a bunch of pages that are never used and are a waste of space on my site, so I am going to be taking a few of those down too. I can't say when all of this is going to happen, because if you know me you know that I am lazy when it comes to blogging/blog editing. Sometime in September though :) I want to make the site look better so I might also change the layout- I don't know about that though.

Anyways, no guarantees really about anything but you should see some changes in the blog in the coming weeks.


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