Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Finishing up Python

This week, I am finishing up my Python class from Codecademy- I'm really excited for two reasons: For one, I'm WAY ahead of my Dad in the class and number two, next I'm going to be taking a college course that Dad previously took. In that course, you get to program basic games (which from what I hear from Dad, aren't that basic) and it sounds like fun to me. In any case, I'll know soon as I am finishing the first course tomorrow.

Not much has been going on this week- Dad is away in NY again with his new job, so me, Grandma and Ashleigh have been together and doing things. Last night, I made brownies and played skyrim with my sister, and the day before THAT we put on a "concert/dance" for Grandma. It's been fun, and it's kept my sister's mind off of the fact that Dad isn't here. Mine too, for that matter... Dad, if you're reading this- I MISS YOUUU! <3

Anyway, I'm done with the rest of my work for today, and I want to go play xBox with my friends and my sister, so I am going to end this post here with a picture of me and my sister.


1 comment:

  1. I miss you and Ashleigh too Munchkin. I'll see you tomorrow night.


