So now I have been saving my money... Well, not really saving, because I just went out and bought my mom her Mother's Day present... I guess I should rephrase that to BANKING ON GETTING INTO A MAGAZINE. It takes Ruminate about 6-8 weeks to get back to someone, so I have a long wait ahead. I'd better get used to waiting... If I am not published, I have a long while to go before I can save $45.
When my family last went to the mall, me and Dad walked off for about half an hour to check EVERY SINGLE shoe store in the mall. No luck. The cheapest was $45, and the most expensive was $85. And guess what excuse the girl who tried to sell us the $85 pair gave us? "There is extra padding" OH REALLY? I DIDN'T KNOW THAT. THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING. JUST TO LET YOU KNOW.... THE OTHER PAIR HAD PADDING TOO!
OK. Below I have made a collage of the 4 pairs of wedge sneakers that I want most. Leave a comment saying what pair you like best. I will end my post here :)
(Oh, and Dad... If you are wondering where Lucky is, he is sleeping in my room tonight. He fell asleep when I was reading my book, and now Ashleigh is up there so... Yeah. Love you. Maddie)
I like the second pair from the left.