Monday, June 4, 2012


I had a tournament in Franconia this weekend. It was a super long drive. I got to the tournament early, so I chatted with some of my friends for awhile, and practiced a little. Mostly I just talked to my friends. My first event in the tournament was synchronized forms, which me and my partner Eion placed second in, next to my friends, Kylie and Cordelia.

My second event was open weapons. I placed third next to 2 kids who are really good with their bo form- Austin and Nicholas. They are almost always perfect with their form. I don't think that I have ever won first place against them.

My third event was forms. I had to wait awhile because the divisions were slow, but it was worth my while. I went up, did my form, and came in- get this- 1ST PLACE!!!!!! I was really excited! It is rare that I come in first. Usually it is second or third. But not this time!!!

My fourth and final event was sparring. I placed in third, next to Cordelia and Olivia. Kylie twisted her ankle and couldn't spar. I felt bad for her. There was a new team at the tournament from Osipee- I forget their name, but they were really good.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Beautiful! I've said this already ofcourse, but a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to you!!!!! You are super talented at many you keep it up....and keep having fun in the process.

    I love you.

