Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Difference Between Class and Style ( Special Reader's Request )

This is the first readers request I have had since ... since ... well, it's my first! This request comes from Mr. Wayne C., wanting to know the difference between class and style. Style focuses on the outside of a person, like their clothing. Class, however, digs beneath the surface to integrity, honor, and respect. Here are some examples written into these short stories. Try to guess which people care more about style, and others more about class. If you think you know the answer, please comment below.

Sally was a very poor woman. She only worked hard enough to get herself one expensive suit to go out in, some food, and rent herself a Cadillac. She would go out every day in her suit and car, smiling when people stared at her and her car. Then, she would go home to her mobile home, and repeat the process next day.

Joe was a very hardworking man. He had a job as a stock analyst, and made millions. He had a mansion tucked back in the woods, but drove around in a regular pickup truck and dressed like a normal person, not like a rich snob. Once, Joe's friend asked Joe to do something for him. Now, Joe could do it very quickly, but it would mean breaking the promise to his friend. As it happened, Joe's friend moved away,so he would never know if Joe did it wrong. Joe had the honor to do it the right way, and lived happily after that. 

So there were the short stories. Please do not look at the answer until commenting. I think it is a pretty obvious test, and half of you are probably going to look at the answer anyway. A few of you might have the class to wait, but others ... Well I really shouldn't pick on that stuff on my website. It is meant for laughs, not for frowns. Well, I guess it's for information too, but mostly for laughs.

The answer is: Sally was the woman who cared about style. She was poor, and only had enough money to make people stare at a car that wasn't even hers. Joe, however, had class. He could have done the work the easy way out, but he had enough honor to do it right. I hope you learned something from this Think a Thought. I know I did.

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