Thursday, February 12, 2015

Don't Get Confused

I write a lot of poetry on this blog, if you haven't figured that out yet-but every time I write a new poem, my Dad goes, reads it and tries to decipher it. I just wanted to write this post as a disclaimer of sorts for my poetry- it is going to be VERY HARD for you to figure out my poetry because most of the time, I write it from my subconcious. When I write it, I don't know the meaning myself until I go back and re-read it a few days later. So when you don't see any meaning in a poem, it means it's likely filled with double references and inside meanings to ME, and more relating to my subconcious, not everyone's in general.

Poetry is my way of expressing myself and what I feel, and most of the time my poetry revolves around thoughts I've had in my head relevant to the time I write another poem. So, to anyone who tries to 'decode' my poetry like my Dad: please stop. You're fighting a losing battle, you really are- because not even I know what they mean, and I'm the person who wrote them!

Now, I have to go get coffee, so I will leave this post here.


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