Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Time Travel Won't Happen

This is just a thought I've been exploring all day. I somehow began thinking about time travel, and how unlogical it is and how it likely will never be able to happen. Then, I thought of something- if time travel was invented anytime in the future, and people were to use it... wouldn't there inevidably be people from the future here in the past? I asked my dad this, and he gave me a pretty reasonable theory:

If time travel ever was invented and people DID use it to go back to the past and see themselves... they wouldn't want others to know it. If someone DID find out, then being the people would be able to use time travel they would just use it to go back and erase their mistake. Simple as that. Technically, even if you did have time travel, you wouldn't be able to go back and change time. Anything that you changed would have already happened to you before you even left for time travel, because before you left you would have already came back. All you'd really be able to do is visit memories- and then even upon return not have a clearer image of them because you would have already forgot.

This leads me to believe and conclude that there are many different things that happen to us throughout our lives that we don't even know about... they've just been changed and we've forgotten, or been made to forget, about them. For all I know, I could have another sister or brother and just have forgotten it! The question is... if time travel DOES exist and IS being used in this way... who is controlling it and why are they changing things? This should give my readers things to think about... leave me your opinions in the comments below.


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