Thursday, August 28, 2014

How Does This Stuff Pass For Music!?!

Dad and I were recently talking about how some of the crappy music nowadays passes as "good" and how it compares to older music. What brought this topic up? I saw a headline yesterday announcing Taylor Swift's new song "Shake it Off" was #1 on the Hot 100's song list. I heard the song, and I honestly wasn't too impressed. She's a talented singer, but you wouldn't know it from this song. The beat was annoying, the singing sounded kind of forced, and the lyrics didn't make a lot of sense to me.
Earlier this year, the song "Timber" by Pitbull featuring Ke$ha held the top slot for 3 weeks. Once again, a rather horrible song. Then again my opinion is biased as I am not a fan of rap NOR am I a fan of "Ke$ha" or whatever she calls herself. The only good thing I'll say about the song is that it is catchy and the background music is alright. Also on the list were "The Monster", "All of Me", "Fancy", "Rude", "Dark Horse", and "Happy"- all of which I consider to be better songs than the other two. 

Even with all of the horrible music being made, on occasion you can find a diamond in the rock. Take Adele for example, or even Ariana Grande- both are great singers. However, I am still more prone to be listening to older music as that is what I grew up listening to. Let me know in the comments what your favorite genre of music is, and your opinion on newer music!


1 comment:

  1. I have been listening to the Hollies a lot lately. My favorites are Led Zepplin and Pink Floyd although I have a huge mix of artists that I like.

