This year, me and my Dad have decided to have a fish-off for the whole season. Whoever catches the most fish owes the other person $5 at the end of the season. 3 fishing trips in and so far, I am winning by 1 fish. I am going to create a page on my blog to keep track of the contests as we have fishing trips during the summer. We started on June 1st and are going to keep fishing until October 15th (because here in NH, after the beginning of October it is hopeless trying to fish- unless you include ice fishing, which both me and Dad find dangerous).
And that is not the only contest that is going on between me and dad- we are also doing pushups! There is nothing to win or lose- we are just doing it for practice. My Dad's goal for the year is 36,500 pushups- meaning he has to do 100 pushups a day. I didn't set my goal quite as high, and I am a bit behind. I will also post our pushup scores for each month on the contest page.
The page will be up tomorrow because it is past 12 o'clock now and I am heading STRAIGHT TO BED as soon as this is published.
Good night,
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