Tuesday, May 20, 2014

MAPS Testing Stress

This weekend I had my MAPS testing... I was SOOOO nervous! I always stress out about my testing in the week before, and then do good on my test. This year, I was above 9th grade level on both reading and math... and I'm only in 6th grade! However, I DO want to work on Latin root (hint to Dad) because I got a few of those and I had no idea what to do.

Other than that, not much has happened this week... except for an experiment with the bacon bowl. My aunt Michele sent my Dad a bacon bowl mold, and today me and my Grandma tried making them. The first thing that I want to say is... they are EXTREMELY greasy. Don't make them unless you are prepared to scrub the microwave to get spattering grease off of it.

In the end, the bowls came out fine... just a little smaller than anticipated. However, it was a fun experience and they were adorable- but I think they would be better at a party, not for a substantial meal. Thank you Aunt Michelle for sending them!

Have you had an experience with the Bacon Bowl? Leave it in the comments and tell me what YOU think of it!



  1. I am glad that you liked the bacon bowl. Who doesn't love bacon? And in an edible bowl....Yum.

  2. How could I forget the most important thing in your post?! Congratulations on such a great score in your testing. I knew you would do well!
    Love ya,
    Aunt Michelle
