Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sick Day

Today, I have been EXTREMELY sick... I haven't even really came downstairs yet. I am sore from karate and on top of that have a head cold that is driving me crazy- so I am spending the day taking hot baths, eating toast and ginger ale and watching the movie Fletch in my dad's room.

Fletch just ended, and so I have decided to surprise dad and do some of my homework- even though I can't come downstairs. This blogger app on my iPod is a lifesaver in times like these- otherwise, I would never have my blogging done today! Call me a sissy, but if you felt how I feel right now you wouldn't want to walk down 24 steps either.

I am going to end my post here, as I hope to have my other work done before my dad gets back from karate.



  1. Hey Maddie! I hope you feel better very quickly! Love the new background for the site. It really makes everything pop and easy to read.
    Aunt Michelle

    1. Thanks! I am feeling better today :) and yeah, I thought the chicks looked pretty cute and would make a good "Easter-y" background :D
