Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Do You Have Your Costume?

I have been very busy this week... And I almost forgot about Halloween! It crept up on me very fast this year, and this weekend I have a party to go to. Costume is required, and I don't even have mine yet! If you are like me, and completely forgot about Halloween, check out www.buybuymomma.blogspot.com for some awesome deals on Halloween costumes. But now back to the post...

I don't even know who I am trick or treating with yet! I haven't made Lucky's costume yet! I haven't even found my SISTER a costume yet! I have until this Sunday to get my costume... I plan on going shopping with Grandma and my sister this Friday for our costumes. As for Lucky, his costume will be done by Thursday and ready to go for Saturday. I will make sure to take a few photos of him in it, so that I can post them.
I am going to try to get up early tomorrow, that way I can come downstairs, shower, eat, and finish my work early. Since I have 2 weeks no math, it should be a pretty easy day. 

I hope to be done before lunchtime so I can hang with my sister and dog, finish Lucky's costume, and practice my karate. I have a question for my readers now: What is your favorite type of Halloween candy??? Please leave your answer in the comments.

Well, it is getting pretty late, so I am going to end the post here. Make sure to check out Buy Buy Momma, whether you need a costume or not. 



  1. candy corns and those candy corn pumpkins!

  2. mmmmm...... i am baking with candy corns this weekend

  3. I love Kit Kats and Nestle Crunch bars.
