Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Getting Done Early! WOO-HOO!

Today, Dad got me up at 6:30 a.m.... I was so tired. I ate breakfast (1/2 an english muffin w/ nutella and cereal) and then took a shower. When I was done I hopped straight to work. I have a list of 6 math that have to be done by the end of the week, so what I did was make myself a schedule:

Tuesday (today) - 1 math, Think a Thought, 3 lectures
Wednesday - 2 math, Think a Thought, 3 lectures
Thursday - 2 math, Think a Thought, 3 lectures
Friday - 1 math, Think a Thought, 3 lectures

And that sums up my week in schoolwork! I have already finished my math, and am almost done for the day.... it is only 8:00! I am so happy. Later I have to go to karate.. I have 2 classes today since I didn't do class yesterday (due to Labor Day). By the way, Dad surprised us yesterday by taking us out to Keene... I got my work cut in half!

Walking around in Keene was fun, except for the fact that I had a migraine. No, I am not exaggerating.... I actually DO get them. They are not pleasant. They are throbbing headaches that occur near your temples and nest themselves behind your eyeballs, making you sensitive to light, smell, and loud noises. Activity (i.e. walking) makes it worse. The migraines are often triggered by something, such as stress, or lack of food or sleep. I had one yesterday, and it RUINED MY DAY. It made it hard for me to sleep as well... I was up to about 1 because my head was pounding.

Well, I am now done! See you in the next post,

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