Thursday, June 6, 2013

Guest Blogger on Buy-Buy Momma!!!

Yesterday, I went out shopping with my sister and Grandma. When I got back, I had to rush off to karate automatically, and I found myself not having a lot of time to get my work done. When I told Dad, (who at the time was busy with computer programming), he said that if I wrote a blog post on his site, Buy-Buy Momma, that he would call it even. Well, I just couldn't believe my luck! I got right to work, and wrote an awesome post about how I teach my sister.

PictureThe next morning when I woke up, Dad said that he had just published my post and that he had absolutely LOVED it. He had even added a few kind paragraphs about me onto the end..... thank you Dad. To see the article I wrote, please visit:

So far, the article has gotten 16 hits- and it has only been up for one day! Dad says it currently has more hits than his marketing blog. I was quite pleased and surprised.

The rest of my week has been going ok, I guess- I earned $20 (I am taking my sister to the movies in July) and I moved some stuff around in my room... and I MIGHT be going swimming tomorrow with my friend, depending on work and weather. I still have to do a 2 page paper, a 5 page paper, a book report (and I have to finish reading the book), and I also still have my mineral.

Because of this, I will end my post here..... remember, all dolls must be sent in by midnight. Winners of the doll design contest will be posted tomorrow.... Good Luck!!!


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