Also, I am going to change my blog's background today! It is now April, and I am going to make a birthday background for my blog because my grandma's birthday is this month!!! She is going to be 75 this year, and I am trying to organize a small party for her. My grandma is a big part of my life now, and she is going to be living with me and Dad and Ashleigh. I am going to try my best to make her feel as welcome as possible.
*Speaking of birthdays, I am going to make a new page on my blog that will list everyone in my family's birthdays, how old they will be, etc. As the year moves on, I will put a line through their name to show that the birthday has passed. There will be an updated picture every year.
Easter went very well, aside from the fact that my dad couldn't make it (he was sick with the flu =( ). Me and Dad DID make our rainbow cake, and spent about half an hour trying to layer it perfectly. Our hard work paid off, because when the cake was cut at Easter, this is what it looked like:
Pretty awesome, right? The cake looked awesome even before it was cut too. I pride myself as a good froster of cakes (and cupcakes too (= ) This is what the cake looked like before it was cut:
Here is me and my sister on Easter morning:
P.S. Big shout out to Anne, thank you for the beads and jewelry, me and my sister love them!!! :) can cook too. Just like your Aunt Michelle. She is always sharing recipes.