Monday, October 15, 2012

Aliens- Real Or Fake????

Today, I saw my Dad reading an article on an alien biopsy that was being conducted. I saw a picture of a strange creature with it, and I thought it looked really fake. This got me thinking: Why do we always see aliens as glowing green creeps with big heads and black eyes? Think about it:
I don't think so...
Still not real....
What I am wondering is why we think of aliens this way. 
And MOST CERTAINLY not real.
For all we know, aliens could look like us! Also, who's to say there aren't aliens among us??? Has anyone here ever taken a close look at a wasp? Or a grasshopper? Yeah, thats what I thought too. (Heck, grasshoppers have an EXOSKELETON for crying out loud!)
There have been skeletons found that are over 8 feet tall. THIS sounds more like an alien than a slimy green thing from outer space. Sure, the universe is huge, and I am sure that there ARE other forms of life out there, but need we assume that they are hideous and scary?

Anyway. That is just about all I have to say. Just because you see it in a cartoon or on some spook show on TV, doesn't make it totally like they show it. Somewhere in the universe, some person may be sitting at their device and wondering if there are other creatures out there. They may see pictures that look like us on the device and laugh. Heck, to them we might even be scary! But technology hasn't come that far yet. I hope I am alive when it does.


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